

2015-02-13    01'50''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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更多内容,请关注我们今天的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus A new study suggests that infertility cannot be successfully treated with stem cells. The study, by researchers in Sweden, casts doubt on an old theory that it is possible to create new eggs with the help of stem cells. Ever since 2004, the studies on stem cell research and infertility have been surrounded by hype. There has been a great amount of media interest in it, and the message has been that the treatment of infertility with stem cells is about to happen. However, many researchers have tried to replicate these studies but not succeeded. According to the old theory, infertile women, such as those who have entered the menopause, could be given new eggs. However, experiments on mice showed that the only eggs female mice have are the ones they have had since birth. The results show that not only the use of stem cell research in the clinical treatment of childlessness is unrealistic, but also that clinics should focus on using the eggs that women have had since birth in treating infertility. infertility n. 不孕不育 对应形容词infertile,不能生育的 stem cell n. 干细胞(干读第四声,来源于“茎干”,即stem)它是形成哺乳类动物的各组织器官的原始细胞,具有多向分化潜能和自我复制能力。人体内的干细胞分两种类型,一种是全功能干细胞,可直接克隆人体;另一种是多功能干细胞,可直接复制各种脏器和修复组织。人类寄希望于利用干细胞的分离和体外培养,在体外繁育出组织或器官,并最终通过组织或器官移植,实现对临床疾病的治疗。 cast doubt on… v. 使人对…产生怀疑 例句: He has been drunk out of his mind for three days in a row now. It definitely casts doubt on his chance of taking over as the next news anchor. (他已经连续三天喝得烂醉如泥了。这肯定让人对他接手新闻主播岗位的前景产生怀疑。) egg n. 卵子,卵细胞 (这个意思的使用频率也很高,不亚于“鸡蛋”。) hype n. 大肆宣传,炒作 例句: Haven’t you heard of that saying? No publicity is bad publicity. If everybody keeps telling you how ridiculously bad a certain film is, it only creates more hype, and you are more tempted to see it. That’s why those horrible reviews of Tiny Times never bothered Guo Jingming. (你没听说过那句话吗?没有什么所谓的“坏宣传”。如果每个人都不停地跟你说某部电影多么糟糕,这只会带来更多的宣传效应,让你忍不住想去一探究竟。所以《小时代》收到的那些恶评从来没破坏过郭敬明的心情。) replicate vt. 复制 对应名词replica,复制品 replicate,reproduce和duplicate是很容易搞混的一组词。简言之,它们的程度有所区别。duplicate必须是复制出和原来一模一样的东西,replicate是复制出一模一样或相近的东西,reproduce则是简单复制,不保证结果跟原来的东西一模一样或相近。 menopause n. 停经,绝经期(通常在五十岁左右)