

2015-05-05    02'30''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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更多内容,请关注我们今日的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus China&`&s National Copyright Administration has issued a regulation against news-story copyright infringement. The administration has urged Internet media to acquire authorization and pay before posting reports produced by print media. Under the regulation, any form of republishing of news stories containing the original producers&`& creative work on the Internet is illegal, unless the users obtain the permit from the original copyright holders. Factual news without creative efforts from original producers is not included in the protection against online piracy. The original producer&`&s name and affiliated media organization should be clearly displayed on reposted news. Re-posters should avoid misinterpretation of the headlines and content of the original stories if modifying them. The regulation provides a timely guideline for news production and republishing against the backdrop of the increasing use of new media, including Internet portals, social media and mobile news applications. National Copyright Administration n. 国家版权局 国务院著作权行政管理部门,主管全国的著作权管理工作。其主要职能是贯彻实施中华人民共和国著作权法律、法规;接受全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会的委托,负责起草著作权的法律;同时接受中华人民共和国国务院的委托,起草与著作权有关的行政法规。 under the regulation 根据该条例 涉及到law、regulation方面的内容,除了最常见的according to之外,还可以用under来表示“根据”的意思。不妨理解为“在该法律或该条例的规定下,如何如何”,所以under的效果也就等于“根据”了。 republishing n. 重新发表 这个概念和republication类似,但略有区别。republication多指再版,比如小说再版,词典再版等等,一般不涉及侵权行为。republishing则泛指重新发表某个作品,很有可能是未经原作者同意的抄袭或剽窃行为,也就是该新闻讨论的话题。(当然,republication也可以涉及抄袭或剽窃等不法行为,以上分类只是常见情形,不绝对。) affiliated adj. 隶属的,附属的 against the backdrop of… 在…的背景下,相当于in the context of… 例句: The novel depicts a friendship between two women in Afghanistan against the backdrop of 30 years of war. (该小说描述了在三十年战争的背景下,两位阿富汗女人间的友情。) Against the backdrop of economic globalization, it is increasingly important to be able to communicate in English. (在经济全球化的背景下,能够用英语交流的能力变得越来越重要。)