

2015-05-06    01'07''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

5781 313

China’s top legislature has begun reviewing a draft amendment to the Advertisement Law, which proposes a ban on baby formula advertising to promote breast feeding. The draft stipulates that dairy products, drinks and other food advertisements that claim to partly or completely substitute breast feeding are banned from mass media and public venues. The proposal stipulates that advertisers, clients, agents and publishers that violate the rule could be fined up to one million yuan, roughly 160,000 U.S. dollars. Supporters believe that breast feeding is the best source of nutrition for newborns, as it increases their immune systems and reduces the likelihood of obesity in adulthood. top legislature n. 最高立法机关 根据宪法规定,中国的最高立法机关是全国人民代表大会,即National People’s Congress,简称NPC。所以China’s top legislature和NPC相当于同义词。 draft amendment to the Advertisement Law n. 广告法修订草案 中文里总是说“修订草案”,但英语里顺序正好倒过来,是draft amendment。如果要再具体说是关于什么的修订草案,则在后面加上to …。以此类推,环境法修订草案是draft amendment to the Environment Law,婚姻法修订草案是draft amendment to the Marriage Law,等等。 could be fined up to one million yuan 最高罚款可达一百万元 这种表述很常见,其中的could和up to都是留有余地的体现。因为违反规定(to violate the rule)是一个很宽泛的概念,程度不尽相同,所以处理力度也不能一概而论。加了could和up to,表示有足够的调节区间。要狠罚可以一百万,要轻罚也可以一百块。 immune system n. 免疫系统 机体执行免疫应答及免疫功能的重要系统,由免疫器官、免疫细胞和免疫物质组成,是防卫病原体入侵的最有效武器。如果免疫系统出问题,我们将无法抵抗病毒、细菌、污染物质和疾病的攻击。 obesity n. 肥胖症 当人体进食热量多于消耗热量时,多余热量以脂肪形式储存于体内,其量超过正常生理需要量,且达一定值时遂演变为肥胖症。正常男性成人脂肪组织重量约占体重的15% - 18%,女性约占20% - 25%。随年龄增长,体脂所占比例相应增加。一般说来,体重指数(体重公斤数除以身高米数平方所得出的数字)大于28的人即算肥胖症患者。