

2015-05-25    01'29''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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更多内容,请关注我们今日的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus China is increasing its assistance for people with disabilities taking the national college entrance examination, or gaokao, which falls in June each year. Examination departments across the country should offer reasonable accommodations to test takers who have disabilities on the basis of their specific needs. The new regulations have been released by the Ministry of Education and the China Disabled Persons' Federation. It aims to ensure that people with disabilities can have convenient and equal access to the exams. The regulations stipulate that starting this year, test takers with disabilities can enter examination halls ahead of time; and the halls will have specialized staff, including sign language interpreters, in place to offer assistance. people with disabilities n. 残疾人士 在如今这个讲究politically correct的年代,people with disabilities已成为“残疾人士”的标准表达方式,以前流行的disabled/handicapped people等说法都应避免。这背后的逻辑是:people with disabilities表示“有身体缺陷的人”,没有歧视成分;而disabled/handicapped people相当于“废人”,显然不够政治正确。 accommodation n. 住处,便利,和解 英语为非母语者往往只对“住处”之意比较熟悉。其实,它也经常表示“便利”和“和解”,相当于是convenience和settlement的同义词。该条新闻里的accommodation就是“便利”的意思。 例句: I love the grocery store downstairs! They offer incredible accommodations to every single customer. I’m more than willing to put in a good word for them! (我超爱楼下的那家杂货店!他们对每个顾客都提供不可思议的便利。我非常乐意为他们说几句好话!) If you want this program to work, you must seek an accommodation with the authorities. (如果你希望这个项目运行的话,你必须与当权者达成和解。) China Disabled Persons’ Federation n. 中国残疾人联合会 由中国各类残疾人代表和残疾人工作者组成的全国性残疾人事业团体,简称中国残联。1988年3月11日在北京正式成立。它是在中国盲人聋哑人协会(1953年成立)和中国残疾人福利基金会(1984年成立)的基础上组建而成的。上面提过,disabled person/people这样的说法不够政治正确,应尽量避免。这个组织之所以没有避讳,主要还是为了防止英文名字过长。 sign language interpreter n. 手语翻译 interpreter和translator的区别在于:前者主要是指口译,而后者主要是指笔译。手语翻译基本都是口译,所以自然用interpreter这个词。