

2015-07-15    01'25''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

3851 392

词汇讲解也可以看今天微信第二条:大牛你慢英 A southwestern Chinese university has launched a website that profiles its individual graduates and invites employers to bid to employ them. Hosted by eBay equivalent Taobao.com, Kunming University's "Talent Shop" literally puts talent up for auction, in an attempt to promote new graduates to potential employers and help them deal with the harsh employment conditions this year. The website categorizes students by their field of study. Talent introduction contains information including the student's preferred starting salary and the university's assessment of the student. The talent shop is the first such service on Taobao.com. The company said the website marked a new line of business for the company as it diversifies from selling products to services. The website plans to allow students to pitch business ideas for crowd funding or auction, starting in September. literally adv. 确实地,如字面所说地 这是最常误用的英语单词之一,很多英语为母语者都会把它当成加强语气的intensifier来用。只要想突出程度之深,就来个literally,殊不知这是非常不可取的方式。 例句: I’m so nervous. My heart is literally jumping out of my chest. (我感觉好紧张。我的心都快跳出来了。)这就是一个典型的高频错误。用literally就只能按字面意思理解,也就是“心跳到胸的外面”。而这种情形如果真的发生,估计此人就一命呜呼了,也不可能跑出来说自己紧张。所以literally不能这么用。纠正方式很简单,去掉literally就可以了。 starting salary n. 起薪,起步工资 diversify v. 多样化,多样化经营 该词即可及物,也可不及物,且两种用法都很常见。 例句: All those trees and flowers really diversify the landscape. (那些树木和花儿让景色变得丰富起来。) If you are not willing to diversify, I’m afraid your company is going to fail spectacularly. (如果你不愿意多样化经营,恐怕你的公司会一败涂地。) pitch vt. 宣传,推销 pitch这种用法经常跟idea搭配,表示推销某个想法、点子或主意。相应衍生出名词,同样是pitch,即为了推销某个想法或产品时所说的介绍语。 例句: Every time I pitch a new idea to my boss, he just shrugs it off. I honestly don’t know what he wants from me. (每次我跟领导推销一个新的想法,他总是耸耸肩不屑一顾。我真不知道他到底想要我怎么样。) The success of a sales pitch has nothing to do with fancy graphics. If you are a good speaker with a great idea, you can easily persuade people. But if you are not a good speaker and you don’t have a great idea, no matter how fancy your Powerpoint presentation is, people won’t listen to you. (推销语能否起作用跟你是否使用华丽的图表没有关系。如果你口才好,又有好点子,你可以轻松说服别人。如果你口才不好,又没有好点子,无论你的Powerpoint演示有多炫,别人都不会听你的。) crowd funding n. 众筹 即大众筹资或群众筹资。由发起人、跟投人、平台构成。具有低门槛、多样性、依靠大众力量、注重创意的特征。一般通过网络上的平台连结起赞助者与提案者。筹到的资金被用来支持各种活动,包含灾害重建、竞选活动、艺术创作、自由软件、设计发明、科学研究以及公共专案等。