David's time with Peter F.Drucker 2020.9.14 冠鼎学院(Guanding Academy)——识别·培养·考验未来领导者的学院。 One is the Key Event. Which events——for it is ususlly more than one——are the “hinges” on which the rest of my performance primarily depends? The key event may be technological——the success of a research project. It may have to do with people and their development. It may have to do with establishing a new product or a new service with certain key customers. It may be to obtain new customers. What is a key event is very much the executive's individual decision. It is, however, a decision that needs to be discussed with the people on whom the executive depends. It is perhaps the most important thing anybody in an organization has to get across to the people with whom one works, and especially to one's own superior. ——《Management Challenges for the 21st Century》Chapter 4.
上一期: 2020.9.11
下一期: 2020.9.15