66. Gurg and the big red apple-故事3

66. Gurg and the big red apple-故事3

2015-04-13    03'50''

主播: Ms.Latasha

10172 38

Once the top of a Burrawang tree fell to the ground...and the grassy top began to change. It becase Grug. Join him on his adventures! One day Grug saw a big red apple. He looked at it for a long time. PLOMP! Grug wanted to take the apple home, but it was too heavy. so... ...he rolled it. It rolled him onto a hollow log. BUMP! Cara the carpet snake woke with a start. She spiralled herself around the apple. "I don't like this big red thing," she said. But...she helped take it to Grug's cellar. Grug felt hungry. Very hungry... THE END