小毛人系列之《我只是忘了》 I just forgot (附原文)

小毛人系列之《我只是忘了》 I just forgot (附原文)

2014-08-08    02'43''

主播: Max冬冬

10143 119

Sometimes I remember, and sometimes I just forgot. This morning I remembered to brush my teeth, but I forgot to make my bed. I put my dishes in the sink after breakfast, but I forgot to put the milk away. I almost forgot to feed the puppy, but he reminded me. I didn't forget to water the plants. They look fine to me. I didn't forget to feed the goldfish. He just didn't look hungry. I'll do it now, Mom. I got ready for school. I even got to the school bus on time. But I forgot my lunch box. Mom brought it to school for me. Thanks, Mom. After school, I went outside to play in the rain. I remembered to put on my rain slickers. But I forgot my rubber boots. When I came inside for a snack, I didn't forget to take my boots off. I left them on because I was going right back outside. I had cookies and milk. I was just going to eat three cookies, but I forgot to count them. I didn't forget to shut the refrigerator door, though. I just wasn't finished eating yet. When Dad came home from work, I was supposed to get his paper. I didn't forget--the puppy got it first. I know it's time for bed. I didn't forget. Of course I'll remember to pick up my toys when I'm finished playing with them. I took my bath and remembered to wash behind my ears. I didn't use soap, but I didn't forget to. I just don't like soap. I guess I did forget to pick up my toys. Did I forget to turn off the tub, too? But there is one thing I never forget. I always remember to have Mom read me a bedtime story. And I always remember to kiss her good night.