小毛人系列之《万圣节鬼屋》Happy Halloween, Little Critter

小毛人系列之《万圣节鬼屋》Happy Halloween, Little Critter

2016-05-04    02'58''

主播: Max冬冬

4847 94

Happy Halloween, Little Critter It’s Halloween and Little Sister and I are going to a spooky Halloween party. The party is at a haunted house. I knock on the door. It creaks open. Creak. Creak. Creak. “Boo!” says the ghost. “Happy Halloween, Tiger!” We bob for apples. I pick one up when suddenly a mean, green monster crashes into me. “MOAN! GROAN!” says the monster. “Happy Halloween, Malcolm!” A witch in a pointed black hat hands me a cup of witch’s brew. “Eye of worm, hair of snake, chewed-up gum, spider cake. Dash of slime, toe of bug… …drink this up or be a SLUG!” “Happy Halloween, Gabby!” It is time to carve pumpkins. I give mine a creepy mouth and lots of teeth. Uh-oh, here comes a mummy. The mummy reaches out to grab me. “Aaahhh!” I scream. “Happy Halloween, Gator!” We play Pin the Broom on the Witch. I go first. I close my eyes and pin my broom…right on the witch’s head. A dragon comes creeping up behind me. It opens its great big mouth and I see all of its pointy, sharp teeth. The dragon roars. “ROAR!” “Happy Halloween, Maurice and Molly!” There is a skeleton who is eating spiders. The skeleton comes closer and closer. It shoves the plate of spiders at me. Clank, clank go the skeleton’s bones… “Happy Halloween, Bun Bun!” We play Catch the Ghost. I am it. I close my eyes. “Five, four, three, two, one… ready or not, here I come!” I say. I open my eyes. It is very dark. There are lots of noises. Clank! Moan! Boo! Roar! Suddenly, the lights go on. “Happy Halloween, Little Critter!” say all my friends.