冬冬原创韵文故事《从来不睡觉的黑羊》The Black Sheep Who Never Sleep

冬冬原创韵文故事《从来不睡觉的黑羊》The Black Sheep Who Never Sleep

2016-05-11    02'07''

主播: Max冬冬

3032 44

英语创作:冬冬 汉语翻译:冬爸 The Black Sheep Who Never Sleep In the drowsy little meadow, where the breeze blew, There were some black sheep, well, twenty-two. They hopped, they jumped, they did some cartwheels, And sometimes they flew! They had a problem, the sheep, From birth to death, they never did sleep! The little black creatures, with their eyes wide open, Could drive a car and make the horn go beep! One fine day, A young sheep, called May, Yelled aloud, "Look at the bay! The beautiful ships and sails and more! The travelers trade money for items galore! But look at us! On this hill, with nothing but a horn!" May thought they should change a bit, The first rule: stay fit. So the sheep must work out all day, Or get thrown in a pit! They would jump and run, But they didn't think it's fun. They thought it's torture, So they said, "We're done!" May was thinking, She was also blinking. When she finally thought up a plan, Her eyelids were clinking! Then on some hay she fell. Well, she slept, and she slept well. She slept for ten hours straight. She woke up, and in her head rang a bell. She said, "All of us, us cute little sheep, Shall lie on the hay and sleep For ten hours straight, And not make a peep!" So that's what they did, And farewell I bid, For I've told you the story Of how the sheep closed their eyelids. 从来不睡觉的黑羊 懒洋洋的草地上,微风轻拂, 这里住着22只黑羊,我来数一数。 忽而蹦着跳着,忽而翻着筋斗, 忽而又迅若奔雷,动若脱兔。 可是,有一个问题让他们心堵, 从生到死,不知道睡眠为何物! 这些小黑家伙,睁着大大的眼睛, 个个都会开车,只听喇叭按得“嘟嘟嘟嘟”。 在一个晴朗的一天, 小羊“美眉”高声呼喊: “快瞧,快瞧, 前面的港湾! 美丽的船只,白白的船帆, 游人拿着银子把东西兑换。 再看看我们,啥也没有, 除了小喇叭,就是这小山。” “美眉”心想,不能老是这样: 第一个改变,就是要保持健康! 小羊们从此都天天锻炼, 否则,就要给扔进土坑,出来无望。 他们蹦啊跳啊,跑个没完, 可在他们眼里一点都不好玩, 于是,便说:“就此打住!” 因为这简直就像折磨一般! “美眉”的大脑开始运转, 大大的眼睛忽闪忽闪。 两只眼皮很快开始打架, 一个妙计却浮出水面! 她倒在了一堆干草上面, 很快进入了深度睡眠。 这一觉睡了10个钟头, 醒来后,大脑里的灯泡突然来电。 于是,她说:“可爱的羊们, 快躺在草上,快快入眠! 要睡就睡上10 个钟头, 谁也不准、不准睁眼!” 小羊们就这样坠入了睡眠! 我也要跟大家说声再见, 因为我已经把故事从头讲完, 你知道小羊们是如何闭上了眼帘。