冬冬原创 The Fox that Wouldn’t Stay in the Box 不愿意待在盒子里的狐狸

冬冬原创 The Fox that Wouldn’t Stay in the Box 不愿意待在盒子里的狐狸

2016-09-19    03'01''

主播: Max冬冬

1851 38

Long, long ago, there was a little fox. He and his parents lived in a box. The father was crimson, the mother scarlet, And the little red son could fight down an ox! They worked together; they had no fears. Their teeth were sharp, and so were their ears. Then, one day, the little fox lad, Using his most efficient gears, Heard some deer, thirty at least. They weren’t hunted down by many a beast. So the little lad decided to track them down And make his parents a sumptuous feast. He followed the deer to a giant plain, Where there was much prey to hunt and less rain. The little fox liked this place very much, So he had fun, hunting a deer and scratching a horse’s mane. He went back home, dragging his prey. Their parents looked like they had their happiest day. But when the little fox told them he wanted to move out of the box, Their faces turned gray right away. They told him that outside there was danger, And also many a dreadful stranger. The little fox was, of course, very unhappy. So he went to his clothes hanger. There was hanging his favorite toy. It was a little red-shirted boy. He wanted to go to the vast plain, Even if he had to eat disgusting soy! So he went to his parents once more. And his little mind did freely soar. He suggested that they should move the box, The chairs, the tables, and many more! They thought the plan was very great. The little fox was exited of their fate. They moved everything, one and all, Three clean bowls, two stained dishes, and a dirty plate. They soon found the plain had lots of prey to catch— Goats and deer, batch after batch. And they had moved into a better box! If they wanted to turn on a light, they didn’t have to do anything, not even flick a switch or pull a latch! Although the prey were not very weak, Them the foxes could easily seek. Their new house was cozy and comfortable, With tables that were tough and floors that didn’t creak! 不愿意待在盒子里的狐狸 很久很久以前,有一只小狐狸, 他和家人住在一个盒子里。 深红色的爸爸,猩红色的妈妈, 红红的小家伙哪怕是一头牛也敢前去比一比。 他们耳朵聪聪,牙齿锋利, 无所畏惧,同舟共济。 突然,有一天,这只小狐狸 凭着灵敏的耳朵, 察觉到30多头鹿的踪迹。 显然,后面没有捕食者追击。 小狐狸此时心生一计, 要弄只肥鹿回来给爸爸妈妈打打牙祭。 他尾随着鹿群,来到了平原, 猎物很多,但常年干旱。 这个地方,小狐狸喜欢, 追鹿,抚马,十分开心。 等小狐狸拽着猎物回家, 幸福的笑容在爸爸妈妈的脸上挂。 当小狐狸说要离开盒子, 他们脸色突变,让人害怕。 说,外面的世界十分凶险, 可怕的陌生人随处可见。 小狐狸一听,很不高兴, 一个人来到衣架面前。 那里挂着他心爱的玩具, 那是一个穿红衣的男孩,一脸童趣。 小狐狸执意要去平原, 即使要吃恶心的豆子也心安不惧。 他再次来到爸妈面前, 小小的脑袋高速运转。 他建议把东西全部搬走, 盒子桌椅,一切齐全。 爸妈觉得这主意很棒, 小狐狸想着即将改变的命运心旌荡漾。 他们搬走了三个干净的碗、两个半干不净的碟子和一个脏兮兮的盘子, 总之,所有的东西,只要能用的上。 他们很快发现,平原上猎物很多, 有羊,有鹿,一拨过去又有一拨。 这个“新盒子”可比原来的好了很多。 想要开灯,无需按开关, 想要关门,无需拉门闩。 说来说去, 什么也不需要干。 尽管猎物强壮无比, 找到它们却很容易。 他们的新居舒适温暖, 有结实的桌子和不叫唤的地板。