【师范生实践5/中级】Travel 小课堂之 A lion and a mouse 谢佳琪、李宇恒

【师范生实践5/中级】Travel 小课堂之 A lion and a mouse 谢佳琪、李宇恒

2017-07-09    03'58''

主播: 绘声绘色学英语

1342 33

A lion and a mouse A lion and a mouse were good friends. They were travelling in Beijing. First, they went to the Tian An Men Square. The lion just ate a banana. He couldn’t find a rubbish can. Then he wanted to throw the rubbish on the ground. "Don&`&t throw the rubbish on the ground!" said the mouse. "I&`&m sorry." the lion said," I can’t find a can!" "We can wait until we find one on the way." the mouse said,"Or it will cause pollution." Later, they went to the Forbidden City. There were many treasures in the museum. "Wow! That is amazing!" the lion shouted at the treasures. "Don&`&t shout.Keep quiet.Sh…"the mouse said. "Alright, I&`&m sorry."the lion said. And then, the lion saw a crown glittering in a corner. He tried to touch it. "Stop! Don&`&t touch." the mouse stopped him. "Ok. But I just couldn’t help."the lion said. "Remember, we must obey the travel rules and regulations while travelling. "the mouse said.