Hello! Everyone! Welcome to the culture corner --Happy ABC! I am your friend Seraphina 王琰. Recently, there is a really hot and popular talent contest called The Rap of China. And this kind of music show gradually has spread across the youth groups in the society. As we can feel, it sparked a wave of popular hip – hop music. And today, I will talk about the culture of hip-hop with you guys. 有人说,2017年的夏天是属于嘻哈的,一个名为中国有嘻哈的综艺节目将沉寂在中国地下的嘻哈说唱重新带到了观众视野中,在这个比赛出现前,中国绝大多数的rapper,都没法靠hip-hop 养活自己。中国的嘻哈乐手,在“地下”默默耕耘了二十年,就差那临门一脚。《中国有嘻哈》的横空出世为中国的rapper提供了展示自我的舞台,一句 你有freestyle吗?成了网红句,当然了也激起了一阵狂热的嘻哈热潮。 Hip hop comes from the American black, hip means butt, and hop means jumping. The entire hip pop culture originated in the Brooklyn borough of Manhattan in the 1960s. It is well known that Brooklyn is a famous slum in the United States. In this environment, people can not find work, and not enough money to study, and the black youth and youth on the streets to sing and dance, and play street basketball, etc., during this process, the unique musical talent, physical flexibility and creative inspiration were brought to their musical culture, gradually formed their unique form of dance and dance. They can't afford good sound equipment, they can only mention old big tape recorders to their entertainment venues, they do not have money to buy popular clothes, they can only wear their parents’, larger than their body a number of clothes, and then formed a unique clothing culture Hip Hop 发源于美国黑人,Hip的意思是屁股,而Hop的意思是跳跃。整个Hip hop文化发源于上个世纪六十年代的美国 曼哈顿的 布鲁克林区。众所周知,布鲁克林区是美国著名的 贫民区,在这个生活环境下,人们找不到工作,也没有足够的钱去学习知识,无所事事的黑人青少年就整日在街头以唱歌跳舞,打 街头篮球为乐,在这个过程当中,黑人独有的音乐天赋、身体柔韧性和创意灵感被带到了他们的歌舞文化当中,逐渐形成了他们特有的歌舞形式。买不起好的音响设备,他们只能提着老式的大录音机去到他们的hip hop场地,没有钱买流行的衣服,他们只能将就穿着他们父母的旧衣服,而这种比他们身体大了一号的衣服,反而后来又形成了特有的服饰文化。. The government found that the fascinated by black youth to participate in the fight, drug use, theft ratio is less than the number of people who have no fans, so support for the development of hip hop, so, the hip-hop culture gradually developed. Now, hip is mainly defined as a classification of culture. The main content includes: disc connection cutting and mixing ( DJ ), rap ( MC ), street dance ( bboy ), graffiti ( graffitti ) four elements. But this so-called " hip hop" four elements in fact in general. Because hip was really in the black culture of the United States. It's a way of life. Even a person DJ, MC, bboy, graffitti and so do not understand. As long as his mentality and behavior close to that kind of culture, can also be said is very hip hop. Therefore, hip hop is a pure civilian culture, through the transmission and innovation of countless people, so it is also very strong. 政府发现,这里的着迷于Hiphop的黑人青年们参加斗殴、吸毒、盗窃的比例比没有迷上Hiphop的人要少很多,于是对Hiphop的发展予以支持,这样,Hiphop文化逐渐发展起来。现在,Hiphop主要定义为一种文化的归类。大致的内容包括:碟片连接切割和混合(DJ)、说唱(MC)、街舞(Bboying)、涂鸦(Graffitti)四大元素。但这种所谓的HipHop四大元素其实过于笼统了。因为HipHop真正原本在美国的黑人文化里头。是一种生活方式。即使一个人DJ、MC、Bboy、Graffitti等一样也不懂。只要他的心态和言行举止近于那种文化,也可以说是很HipHop。所以说Hiphop是很纯粹的平民文化,是经过无数人的传递和创新而来的,所以也是很有生命力的。 Because the meaning of hip hop is that the poor black people use bad words and expressions to express their dissatisfaction with social injustice and discrimination against the white people, the original hip spirit and most of the content is not accepted by the government or society at all. With the progress of society, the improvement of black status, a set of the sixties is slowly out of date, and in order to promote hip hop to let more people accept and identify, the promotion of hip-hop people began to use a new way to ling a group of people to continue to survive and development, slowly will the sun fire, youth and lively side of the show in the society. Today, hip has become a sign of young vitality, no longer the voice of the poor black Americans. 由于HipHop本来的意义是贫穷的黑人用不良的言行及生活表达方式对社会宣泄他们对社会的不公平及白人的歧视的不满,因此在根本上,真正原本的HipHop精神及大部分内容不是被政府或社会所接受的。随着社会的进步,黑人地位的提高,六七十年代的一套已慢慢不合时宜,而且为了将HipHop推广让更多人接受和认同,推动HipHop的人仕开始用新的方式令HipHop一族得以继续生存及发展,慢慢将HipHop的阳光火力的、青春活泼的一面展示于社会中。在今天HipHop已成为年青活力其中的一个标志,不再是美国穷困黑人的代言词。 Hip - hop is not a simple combination of four elements, and 30 years of development has made it become a popular way of life in the world, even spiritual symbol, representing the freedom to express, make public personality, enjoy life, dare to challenge the outlook of life. Afro, Fat Boy, ability-competition, Tattoo, Tattoo, sports shoes, club parties … these are all of them, and all these things organically together is a kind of life. Hip - hop life is positive, everyone who lives in it is constantly exploring and improving one or more of the skills, in order to enable more people to hear or see his talent, and constantly break through the limitations of life, thus making the entire hip-hop culture more vitality. 嘻哈并不是四大元素简单的结合体,30多年的发展使它成为一种全世界流行的生活方式,甚至是精神象征,代表了自由表达、张扬个性、享受生活、勇于挑战的生活观。爆炸头、肥仔裤、斗技(Battle)、纹身、运动鞋、俱乐部派对……这些都是其中的表现,所有这些东西有机地结合在一起就是一种生活。嘻哈的生活是积极的,每个生活于其中的人都在不断的探索和提高其中一种或几种技能,为了能让更多的人听到或看到他的才华,不断突破生活的局限,从而使整个嘻哈文化更具生机。 Battling is a slang term for the MCS in hip hop. The goal of battling is that two MC try to win the favorite audience and reduce the passion of the opponent. The audience for special lyrical's preference level is determined by the tone of various forms of tone, the tongue - around technique, the other party and their ability to " agitate the crowd ". Others use gestures such as " ooh" and " aah" to respond to MC's " request ", or to cheer at the end of a section. The audience then uses the amount of applause to determine which is the better MC, in order to acknowledge the MC and increase his confidence in winning more battle. Battle在嘻哈中是rapper彼此口水战的术语。Battle的目的是两个rapper尽力争取喜爱的观众,降低对手的激情。观众对于特殊lyrical 的喜好水平世由各种形式的语气腔调的转折,绕舌的技巧,挖苦对方和他们“鼓动人群”的能力决定。然后观众用喝彩的声量决定哪个是比较好的rapper,而这种battle也是地下嘻哈比赛的普遍形式, Hip - hop comes from the folk, with the vitality of grass roots culture, rapper dares to say, sharp fangu, to a certain extent caters to the call of the era to the pioneer youth, I also believe that the future of hip - hop culture is not hopeless, the new power will make it bloom a different luster again. 嘻哈来自民间,有草根文化的蓬勃生命力,rapper敢想敢说,犀利反骨,一定程度上迎合了时代对先锋青年的呼唤,我也相信,嘻哈文化的未来并不渺茫无望,新力量的汇入会让它再次绽放出不一样的光彩, OK, that’s all about our happy ABC,bye.