

2014-03-25    01'00''

主播: EZFM China Drive

203 36

A new definition of white collar worker has become a hot topic online. According to the new standard merged recently online, a white collar worker's salary can't be lower than six thousand yuan per month. 最近网上出了一个"新白领"标准,引起了热议,现在的白领必须月薪至少是六千元. The person has to have a two bedroom apartment in the city and own a car worth 80 thousand yuan or more. 必须在市区拥有一套两室一厅的房子,且有一辆价值至少8万元的汽车. The person must have the ability to travel more than twice a year for vacation, lead a low carbon consumption life and has to exercise every month. 每年必须有钱有时间旅游两次以上,过着低碳环保生活,且经常做有氧运动. According to a, online survey by msn.com.cn, more than 96 percent of the online respondents claim that they can hardly be defined as white collar under this definition. 96%的网友都称自己够不上这个新标准.仅有4%的网友说自己达标了.