

2014-06-11    01'15''

主播: EZFM China Drive

3781 41

新西兰先驱报:对于世界各地的情侣们来说,在山顶或桥上挂一把同心锁来祈祷自己与爱人能够天长地久,是再平常不过的事情.但是,最近在巴黎的一座步行桥上,护栏竟突然坠落,原因就是,情侣们挂的锁太多,给大桥带来了不能承受之重. The New Zealand Herald: The thousands of locks that cling like barnacles to the Pont des Arts in Paris have become a symbol of danger, rather than love, after a chunk of fencing fell off under their weight. The fencing yesterday tumbled on the pedestrian bridge, which crosses the Seine. Thousands of couples have latched padlocks to the bridge and thrown their keys into the river as symbols of lasting love, resulting in what some decry as an eyesore.