

2014-07-02    04'19''

主播: EZFM China Drive

2095 57

南华早报:渤海大学要求上万学生换宿舍引不满.这两天,"渤海大学万人搬寝"成了热门话题,原因是渤海大学2011级学生这些天被通知换寝室,学生们说,涉及到的学生高达上万人.由于校方通知晚,调换的宿舍条件差,不安全,路程远等问题,学生们非常不满. South China Morning Herald: Thousands of students at a Liaoning university are up in arms against the school's plan to allegedly force them out of their dormitories to make way for a larger number of entrants. The mostly female students have accused Bohai University of "arbitrarily" ordering them to relocate far from their campus just off the Bohai Sea and live in poor accommodations they described as "shabby, damp" and crams eight students to a room.