

2014-08-11    03'00''

主播: EZFM China Drive

3731 84

约410天一次的"超级月亮"昨夜亮相天际,引发关注.据了解,"超级月亮"下一次出现是在2015年9月. The Telegraph reports the display, caused by the moon reaching the point in its orbit closest to Earth - known as perigee - at the same time as it became full, wowed viewers in the Southern Hemisphere on Sunday morning. It had promised to be more impressive than the supermoon seen on July 12, and next due to appear on September 9. Supermoons occur relatively often, on average every 13 months and 18 days. At perigee, the moon is around 31,000 miles closer than when it is furthest away from the Earth. The visiblity of the Perseid meteor shower, which started on Saturday and is expected to peak on Tuesday before finishing on Wednesday, has been affected by the supermoon's presence. The Perseids are caused by comet Swift-Tuttle swings through the inner Solar System every 133 years leaving behind a trail of dust, which burn up in the Earth's atmosphere.