Buzz lingo丨“Swan song”:还记得波特曼在《黑天鹅》最后的独舞吗?

Buzz lingo丨“Swan song”:还记得波特曼在《黑天鹅》最后的独舞吗?

2015-07-20    08'03''

主播: EZFM China Drive

2486 85

Swan song Before Mike got married, his buddies organized a crazy bachelor party that would be the swan song of his womanzing life. Although some called the Falkland War, the Empire Strikes Back. It was just a swan song of the British Empire. David Beckham's transfer to Paris St Germain was just a swan song to his illustrious football career. Definition: used to represent a final action, effort, or attempt before some eventuality, such as death, retirement, or some other major change, renders further actions of that sort impossible. You can also say "last hurrah" Etymology: originates in an ancient myth stating that the mute swan, silent over the course of its entire life, sings one song of great beauty immediately before death. Call the shots You need to gain some clout in the office before you can call the shots. Because Johnny is getting whipped, his girlfriend calls the shots. Do what you're told. I'll call the shots. Definition: to be in charge Etymology: alludes to determining accuracy in target practice. Bite the hand that feeds Elliot bit the hand that fed him after defecting from Dragonair to Singapore Airlines, after Dragonair trained him. The investigative journalist who blabbed about the dealings of his corrupt source, bit the hand that fed her by printing the story. Helen bit the hand that fed her when she married a man her wealthy parents disapproved of. Definition: To repay generosity or kindness with ingratitude and injury.