

2014-02-26    00'47''

主播: EZFM China Drive

621 56

面对最近吵吵嚷嚷要取缔余额宝的打击,阿里巴巴的支付宝就卖起了韩剧萌。在支付宝个人帮助中心页面,用户输入的框内的提示变成了“输入问题关键字,如:都敏俊,救我!” With the banking sector continuing to press on about putting a stop to Yu'E Bao, Alibaba's Alipay recently responded in protest against the pressure. In the entry box of the search engine on the Alipay website, a prompt sentence can be seen that reads,"Do Min Joon, HELP ME!" Upon entering the words "Do Min Joon, Help me", customer service would jump out to rescue the customer. Kim Soo-Hyun portrays the hero in the Korean romantic TV series My Love From the Star. His character always appears to help the heroine in time. The drama has won thousands of fans in China. 关键词: portray=饰演 hero=男主角 heroine=女主角 Alibaba=阿里巴巴 Alipay=支付宝 Kim Soo-Hyun=金秀贤