King Bidgood's in the Bathtub(教学版)

King Bidgood's in the Bathtub(教学版)

2017-12-10    11'35''

主播: 毛妈Carol亲子课堂

2439 21

一、绘本原文及译文: "Help! Help!" cried the Page when the sun came up. "King Bidgood's in the bathtub, and he won't get out! Oh, who knows what to do?" “快来人啊!快来人啊!”小侍从大声喊道,“彼得古德国王在浴缸里不肯出来!有人知道怎么办吗?” 这时,太阳刚刚升起来。 "I do!" cried the Knight when the sun came up. "Get out! It's time to battle!" "Come in!" cried the King, with a boom, boom, boom. “我有办法!” 骑士大声喊道,“出来吧!该打仗了!” 这时,太阳刚刚升起来。 “进来!” 国王大声喊道,嘴里还发出嘣、嘣、嘣的声音。 "Today we battle in the tub!" ”今天我们在澡缸里打仗!“ "Help! Help!" cried the Page when the sun got hot. "King Bidgood's in the bathtub, and he won't get out! Oh, who knows what to do?" “快来人啊!快来人啊!”小侍从大声喊道,“彼得古德国王在浴缸里不肯出来!有人知道怎么办吗?” 这时,太阳已经变得火辣辣。 "I do!" cried the Queen when the sun got hot. "Get out! It's time to lunch!" "Come in!" cried the King, with a yum, yum, yum. ”我有办法!“ 皇后大声喊道,”出来!该吃午饭了!“ 这时,太阳已经变得火辣辣。 ”进来!“ 国王大声喊道,嘴里还发出嗷呜、嗷呜、嗷呜的声音。 "Today we lunch in the tub." ”今天我们在澡缸里吃午饭!“ "Help! Help!" cried the Page when the sun sank low. "King Bidgood's in the bathtub, and he won't get out! Oh, who knows what to do?" “快来人啊!快来人啊!”小侍从大声喊道,“彼得古德国王在浴缸里不肯出来!有人知道怎么办吗?” 这时,太阳已经快下山了。 "I do!" cried the Duke when the sun sank low. "Get out! It's time to fish!" "Come in!" cried the King, with a trout, trout, trout. ”我有办法!“ 公爵大声喊道,”出来!该去钓鱼了!“ 这时,太阳已经快下山了。 ”进来!“ 国王大声喊道,嘴里还发出嚓哦、嚓哦、嚓哦的声音。 "Today we fish in the tub!" ”今天我们在澡缸里钓鱼!“ "Help! Help!" cried the Page when the night got dark. "King Bidgood's in the bathtub, and he won't get out! Oh, who knows what to do?" “快来人啊!快来人啊!”小侍从大声喊道,“彼得古德国王在浴缸里不肯出来!有人知道怎么办吗?” 这时,天色已经变暗。 "We do!" cried the Court when the night got dark. "Get out for the Masquerade Ball!" "Come in!" cried the King, with a jig, jig, jig. ”我们有办法!“ 朝廷官员门大声喊道,”出来!该去参加化装舞会啦!“ 这时,天色已经变暗。 ”进来!“ 国王大声喊道,嘴里还发出吉格、吉格、吉格的声音。 "Tonight we dance in the tub!" “今晚我们在澡缸里跳舞!” "Help! Help!" cried the Court when the moon shone bright. "King Bidgood's in the bathtub, and he won't get out! Oh, who knows what to do? Who knows what to do !" “快来人啊!快来人啊!”朝廷官员门大声喊道,“彼得古德国王在浴缸里不肯出来!有人知道怎么办吗?” 这时,月光已经把大地照亮。 "I do!" said the Page when the moon shone bright, and then he pulled the plug. “我有办法!” 小侍从说道,然后他一下把澡缸的塞子拔了。 Glub, glub, glub! 咕噜、咕噜、咕噜! 课堂小笔记: (词汇) cried [kraɪd] 叫喊,cry 的过去式; page [peɪdʒ] 男侍者; bathtub ['bɑːθtʌb] 浴缸,澡缸; Knight [naɪt] 骑士,爵士;注意这单词的第一个字母[k]在这里不发音; battle ['bætl] 打仗,战役,斗争; boom [buːm] 拟声词,隆隆声; tub [tʌb] 浴缸,澡缸; Queen [kwin] 皇后, yum [jʌm] 象声词,极好的,美味的; sank [sæŋk] 下沉,沉陷;sink 的过去式; Duke [djuːk] 公爵; trout [traʊt] 鳟鱼 ;这里指钓鱼发出的声音; Court [kɔːt] 宫廷; Masquerade Ball 化妆舞会;英音[mɑːskə'reɪd],美音 [mæskə'red], jig [dʒɪg]吉格舞 ;这里指跳舞发出的声音; shone [ʃɒn] 发光;shine的过去式; pull [pʊl] 拉; plug [plʌg] 塞子;插头;