天天口语营-如果写下人生中最大的遗憾, 你会写下什么

天天口语营-如果写下人生中最大的遗憾, 你会写下什么

2016-04-01    10'01''

主播: 每日听写

414 49

我们来听听 然后听天天解释一下吧 (Write your biggest regret. ) (写下你最大的遗憾) This chalkboard stood in the middle of New York city for one full day. 我们放了一个黑板在纽约市中心一整天 I was afraid, afraid of, I guess, failing, maybe? 我很害怕,我想,很害怕失败 I regret all the time I wasted, not saying yes to things 我后悔浪费了这么多时间,然后拒绝了很多机会 It's something I've always wanted to do since I was little. 我最大的遗憾是个我从小就一直想要做的事 Time is slipping away, I mean, that's probably the worst feeling in the world, right? 时光飞逝,而我还在原地,这大概就是世界上最糟的感觉吧? (Not getting my MBA. ) (没有申请上MBA) (Never going after my dreams. ) (没有追寻我的梦想) I've got loads of friends from different walks of life 我的朋友从事各行各业 and it's really hard to keep in touch with everyone. 而我很难跟每个人都保持联系 Up until recently, I was homeless. 我最近被赶出家里 If I hadn't hurt the people that I had, 如果我没有伤害那些曾经在我身边的人 maybe I wouldn't have been. 或许我不会沦落至此 And I wanted to do so many things, but I could never seem to find the time. 我想做很多很多事,但我一直没空去做 I did all the things that were like, plan B. 我都计画好要去做了,连备案都想好了 I just never did it. 但我却没有踏出这一步 (Never applying to Med school. ) (没有申请医学院) Thank you, haha. That's good? Alright, yo, enjoy. 谢谢,哈哈,这样写可以吗?好的,yo,希望你喜欢 (Staying in my comfort zone. ) (待在我的舒适圈) As the board filled up with so many different stories 当黑板被写满了各式各样的故事 We noticed almost all of these regrets had something in common. 我们发现几乎所有的遗憾都有个共同点 (Not pursuing acting. ) (没有追求演艺生涯) (Not getting involved. ) (没有积极参与) (Not having kids before my dad passed away. ) (没有在我爸过世之前让他抱抱孙子) (Not being a better friend. ) (没有当一个好朋友) They were about chances not taken 这些遗憾都是关于没有攫取机会 They were about words not spoken 都是关于没有讲出的心声 They were about dreams never pursued 都是关于没有追求的梦想 But then we gave them an eraser 但我们给他们一个擦子 A clean board feels, feels like where I want to be 这干净的黑板是我想达到的状态 feels like where I wanna go 是个我想去努力的方向 That it's not my regret anymore. 我的遗憾消失了 It's hopeful. 相当充满希望 It means, there's possibility. 意思是,充满着机会 Every day is a clean slate. 每一天都是个新的开始 Do the things you'll regret not doing. 快去做那些不做会让你后悔的事 ​