

2015-05-04    14'03''

主播: FM49830

36729 1933

When Lei Jun, founder and chief executive of Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi took the stage in New Delhi to launch its first product for the international market, he may have stumbled over his words in English. And Chinese netizens made themselves busy by talking about it. 没想到,几句英文,又让雷军成了话题焦点。 上周四,小米在印度举办新品发布会,推出了全新的小米4i手机。发布会上,小米国际副总裁HugoBarra作为主讲,雷军则作为“嘉宾”上台讲了一小段英文。雷军的演讲视频曝光之后迅速在微博引起热议。 Here’s a clip from the event. Is Lei’s English okay?