

2015-05-05    05'23''

主播: FM49830

17913 1560

Xiaohua: Toilet paper or toilet tissue is something we don’t really appreciate until we don’t have it. Did you know an average person uses 1.6 meters of toilet paper per visit to a public convenience? A recent study focuses on toilet usage patterns for the city of Shanghai. So, really? Is that how long every person wants in every toilet use? Heyang: Well, it sounds like an excessive amount of toilet paper that is used by people and, I think partially because it is free. And when you have the free toilet paper in the cubicle, I think sometimes people just use it for whatever reason. And it could be, well, kind of a big burden for the government as only for that 1.6 meters of toilet paper one uses , it costs 0.084 yuan. But when you do the math in this survey, there is more than 24,000 visitors in these 39 public toilets. It amounts to more than 700000 yuan a year, used just on supplying those toilet papers. It is a lot of money and it is not good for the environment. I think, yeah, having free toilet paper is great but it should be used in moderation. John: yeah, yeah, I agree, and in fact, someone is asking why don’t they just have the toilet paper outside the cubicle, as we see in many places here in Beijing? I think the issue there is that it’s easy to be misused as well. I mean look in study... in Shanghai, what they found was that people use it for everything to dry their hands, to clean their shoes, even to remove stains from their trousers. It really does not matter where the toilet paper is, people are so going to use in that way. However, if it is inside the cubicle, that means you are able to use the appropriate amount, if you wish to do so, right? My problem that I have is when I use the bathroom, and the toilet paper outside the cubicle, I have to take more than it is probably necessary because... Xiaohua: Because you can’t just come out again and take some. John: Yeah, I don’t know how much I am going to need, and I don’t want , you know, to run out before everything is clean. Right? Heyang: How could you not know how much you need to use? (John: Because, because, every...)in the ball park, you know, number one or number two, you just know... John:I mean I don’t sit down for number one, (Xiaohua: exactly), but it is difficult to say sometimes you think it’s gonna be a messy one and it’s clean and sometimes you think is gonna be clean it turns out to be messy. So in order to make sure... Heyang: Eew John Eew! John: I’m just talking about the reality.... Xiaohua: Actually John has a point. (John: Of course I do) The thing I noticed is when using CRI’s toilets, sometimes I noticed that, well somewhere else too, that there is a hanger for you to hang bags and things. But usually(John: Toilet paper)...toilet paper are hung there...so it is probably clean, because you know, who would hang used toilet paper on the hanger?(John: It is probably clean, but...)But I’m not gonna use it because (John: You don’t know.) it is just...it is just weird. (John: It could have been hanging there for days, accumulate all sorts of particles...) What’s the mentality of someone who just hang up toilet paper there? If you cannot use it up, you just take it away for God’s sake. Heyang: Really? I hold exactly opposite view on this. I’ve always thought “oh great, someone is just conservation minded... John: They are, they are conservation minded, but Xiaohua is a bit too hygiene minded, perhaps. Xiaohua: But will you actually use it? Heyang: Yeah, I’ve used it. John: She just said that she used it. She uses it every time apparently... Heyang: OK, anyway, so I think it’s really important that people use the right amount. And... John: Exactly, which is why you need toilet paper inside the cubicle. Heyang: And then you get people who actually steal the rolls and, you know, to prevent that from happening, right? John: That’s the thing. So the question right now that Shanghai is asking, is free toilet paper or not free toilet paper? Perhaps a different question should be asking is free toilets or not free toilets? And when you go inside, you can get as much toilet paper as you want, but you are paying to get in and it is covering the costs of the toilet paper and is covering the costs for the maintenance. And the thing is that paid for toilets from what I’ve seen at least, they ended up being a lot more cleaner, and much more hygienic than free toilet. Xiaohua: They do, basic because there is someone managing in it and cleaning it, all the time... Heyang: And the last thing, so when next time you are using the toilet paper, don’t forget there are two and a half billion people on the planet who can’t even have this available for them. So keep that in mind. Don’ t be wasteful. Xiaohua: Something good to remember. Certainly don’t steal the roll.