Heyang: A female college student has asked her boyfriend to watch 12 classic South Korean TV dramas and recite romantic scenes afterwards. Can you carve a romantic out of stone?
女孩们~最近有没有被《朝五晚九》里的霸气和尚或者《我的少女时代》里的校园小霸王徐太宇激发你粉红少女心~ 让男伴好好学一学呢~
Certainly I learned a lot from these two shows. 朝五晚九(From Five To Nine). This is a Japanese TV drama.
Laiming: Isn’t it your favorite show? And you can’t remember its name?
HY: 山P,or山下智久? He’s the guy who plays the main role, he plays a Buddhist priest. The storyline isn’t all that complicated. Basically a wonderful, amazing, gorgeous guy is totally head over heels in love this girl and treats her super well. So there isn’t all that much to be said there. But guys, do you think it’s useful to learn something from these South Korean TV dramas, or Japanese TV dramas, or whatever romantic movie/TV series out there?
Michael: I don’t think you can really limit this to SK or Japanese TV dramas. I think you could probably transpose this conversation anywhere in the world. (HY: I agree.)
When we are talking about this college student, did she ask her boyfriend to watch 12 SK dramas and then recite scenes from them word for word afterwards?
HY: No. I mean it’s more like…reciting is about showing you’ve actually watched it and you remember it, and I think she’s expecting more from it.
LM: A summary of the romantic moments. In these 12 soap operas.
HY: Do you think it’s reasonable what she’s doing?
M: If she’s expecting him to watch all this and after that he’ll be the world’s leading authority on love and romance…I think it somewhat devalues the nature of being loving and romantic if you have to pick up your ideas from television.
I think it should be sort of spontaneous.
HY: If would be great if it’s spontaneous. But sometimes guys you are just not. And the girl still wants to be with you. She’s not dumping you. She’s just asking you ‘can you please watch these TV dramas and get some ideas. I want this to work, we’ve a good thing going on.’ What do you say?
LM: Do you want the same thing that’s happened in the TV series to happen on yourself? Exactly the same thing?
HY: Exactly the same thing? Oh I can’t believe you asked me that…OF COURSE!! It’s something that’s quite dreamy I have to say~ But, let’s just look at this realistically. It’s not gonna happen exactly like in the TV show. And this isn’t even what the girl is asking for. She just wants you to learn a bit more. Do you think she’s a bit outrageous or whatever?
LM: I think you need to define ‘useful.’ Is it getting you laid useful, or helping you maintain a healthy relationship useful? What kind of useful are you looking for?
HY: Well, what kind of ‘useful’ are you looking for, dude? When it comes to such a situation, what’s going on here is actually quite a good thing.
Because the girl is basically saying we’re dating and I’m not happy with what you are doing right now. And here are some tips, why not taking them. And the guy can say yes or no. in this story, the guy actually said yeah I’ll go watch it…
LM: Does he have a choice?
M: Conversely, you might think that she say ok I’m not happy with what you are doing right now, but then he might push back and said this isn’t really me, I’m not happy expressing myself in this way. I think it works both ways.
HY: Yeah, I think that’s a really important part here. Because neither side is saying you have to do this. But of course if you’re not willing to make this compromise, it’s highly possible that you’ll break up. It’s through this process people learn how to deal with the other person. And when we are looking at these too youngsters in college dating…Why are you laughing like that Laiming? He can’t control himself.
LM: You are all pink talking about this.
HY: The good old days. I think it’s really important that Chinese youngsters to go through dating and all this stuff. That’s how you know exactly how to have a relationship and how to make a relationship function. Without this kind of conversation it will not work. And when you look at all those singletons in our society, partially it’s because we’ve been studying so hard in school and we didn’t have the chance to date and have this kind of conversation.
LM: I’m with you on this we should learn things by going on dates with other people/the opposite sex. But I’m not with you by saying that we should learn things (this introvert boy) by watching TV. I don’t think so. There are skills you can require. But unless it’s from the bottom of your heart, it’s not going to help you in the long term.
M: It’s just seems a bit manufactured if you’re sitting down and watching all these programs, maybe copy and paste aspects of that in your personal life. It should be sincere, come from the heart and you should be yourself.
HY: Okay. If you’re just copy and paste from any movie for it to work in your love life, that’s not going to work. You need to improvise, you have something to draw upon. And this girl has gone this far to give you the material, all you need to do is take the tips and turn it into something of your own. And your relationship will thrive.
LM: I don’t think it’s a reasonable move on the part of the girl. Because we all know SK soap operas are notoriously long. They could extend to 80 episodes.
HY: There are short ones that’s only 25 episodes~
LM: 12 TV series in a month, he can’t do anything else.
HY: Alright. They need to figure something out if they want to stay together. We have lots of listeners leaving messages here. First of all, I’d like to say hi to LYL李. She is listening to our show using data flow. Thank you so much, you are paying for this. Thank you for your message. She’s saying I love watching 朝五晚九(From five to nine). She persuaded her boyfriend to watch it out of knowing more about Japanese traditional culture and Buddhism. But actually she just wants him to learn the tactics that beautiful monk does. And our male listeners are not happy with what this girl has done. Basically saying you can’t just copy these tactics, it’s not gonna work, it has to be sincere. Basically you guys agree with it.
I just think for this show it’s worthwhile for people to watch, because you get see 山下智久 to go through Buddhism practice under a waterfall. Oh man oh man, ladies you should all check it out!
That’s all the time we have for Round Table today. I’m Heyang. Stay tuned for more.