

2017-09-08    06'25''

主播: TeacherGwen

3122 123

9.8 早读 Without secrets, without the hoarding of knowledge and information, we can finally realize our potential. → 语音讲解 单词发音 without /wɪðˈaʊt $ wɪðˈaut/ secrets /ˈsiːkrɪts/ hoarding/ˈhɔːdɪŋ $ ˈhɔːr-/ potential/pəˈtenʃəl/ 连词发音 hoarding of knowledge and information /ˈhɔːdɪŋəvˈnɒlɪdʒəndˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən/ 轻读重读 重读:secrets/knowledge/information/potential 弱读:the/of/and 词汇讲解 1.hoarding noun. 动词形式 hoard 释义:囤积; 贮藏; 积蓄; 临时围墙; 广告牌: 囤: I knew he was hoarding a tin of cocoa in his hut. 我知道他家里还藏着一罐可可。 There would be enough food on a daily basis if people were not hoarding. 如果人们不把食物储藏起来,按天算会有足够的食物供应。 Her only interest is hoarding money. 她唯一的兴趣就是攒钱。 2.potential noun. 释义:the possibility that something will develop in a particular way, or have a particular effect 例句:The company certainly has the potential for growth. 这家公司明显有成长潜力。 搭配: 展现:have,show 例句:This young man has enormous potential. 这个年轻人有巨大潜力。 看到:be aware of, see 例句:John Cadbury could see the potential for his product. John Cadbury能够看出他产品的潜力。 培养:develop, exploit, unlock 例句:They were among the first companies to exploit the potential of the Internet. 他们是最初开拓出因特网潜力的几家公司之一。 实现:fulfil, reach, realize 例句:Signing for this company would enable him to fulfil his true potential. 和这家公司签约能够实现他真正的潜力。 活学活用 realize our potential