

2015-07-06    04'30''

主播: 英语直播间

1949 117

We all know that Beijing has a long history, but how long exactly? An exhibition is going on in the Capital Museum right now, featuring a lot of astonishing antiques, revealing the 3060 year history of Beijing. Do you know how old Beijing is? "Er, I watched it from TV. But I can’t remember…" "Since 18th Century?" "Three hundred years?" Today&`&s Beijing is busy and bustling with 30 million residents. But it seems few of them are aware that the origin of this dazzling civilization was located in a small town in southwest Beijing. And it can be traced back to more than 3,000 years ago. 75-year-old Tian Jingdong is an archeologist. Graduating from Peking University&`&s history department, he spent half of his life in a small town called "Glaze River" or "Liu Li He" in southwest Beijing. There he participated in the excavation of a 3,000-year-old ancient kingdom called "Yan." Tian explains. "There are a lot of different theories about the time of Yan&`&s founding, or say conferment. But the most acceptable one is the year of 1045 B.C. This was calculated based on official astronomy records, which says Halley&`&s Comet visited the earth that year. Therefore we say Beijing has a history of more than 3,000 years." Geographically, the "Yan" kingdom was near the northern border of the territory of the then Zhou Dynasty, faraway from its mother country which was located near today&`&s Xi&`&an City. But politically and militarily, it was very important, with the brave and battlewise nomad people sitting in the north. So the then Emperor conferred his nephew "Ke" to be the king of "Yan," and made him a bronze kettle and a bronze jar to commemorate this conferment. Currently, these two national treasuries are both displayed in the Capital Museum with other 40 plus archaic items.