Buzz lingo丨教你个新词儿:“Piggyback”

Buzz lingo丨教你个新词儿:“Piggyback”

2015-07-08    08'27''

主播: 英语直播间

1477 150

Piggyback The new law on gun control piggybacked a larger anti-crime drive. Our report on tourist shopping discounts piggybacks our blogbite discussion on it A mandatory dental checkup piggybacked the companies new medical insurance plan. Definition: In connection with something larger or more important Etymology: from the game pickaback, where you would carry someone on your shoulders Beasted Harry totally beasted his SAT and got 1600 James beasted the other team on the football field Katy beasted the rush hour traffic to get to work early Definition: To have excelled at something as if using super-human beast like skills. Move mountains Harry was willing to move mountains to bring his missing son home. Alliances can only work if each nation is willing to move mountains for the other. Kate will move mountains to get the story. Definition: you would make any effort to achieve your aim. Etymology: Taken from the bible