1). Window dressing
-BP only did some window dressing to deal with the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill.
-In World War 2, Britain's attack on Finland was just window dressing, to appease the Soviets.
-When Gloria told her son to clean his room, Brian just did some window dressing, by hiding all his clothes and toys under his blanket.
Definition: To pretend to be dealing with a problem, rather than actually dealing with it.
Etymology: The art of trimming the display windows of a store.
A. When people heard the big boss coming, they did some window dressing to impress him. That day everybody seemed to be very busy, working really hard.
B. Before the Gaokao, she was sick and tired of the repetitive review. So she decided to relax and listen to some music, but whenever her mom came to her room, she had to do some window dressing to cheat her.
2). Under the table
-Gareth was paid for the side-job under the table, in order to avoid taxes.
-In order to build a new dirty power plant, the corrupt mayor got a few bucks under the table.
-The perks that the employees got at the golf club were strictly an under the table.
Definition: Something that is secret.
Etymology: This term alludes to money being passed under a table in some shady transaction, such as a bribe.
A. The corrupt official got all his money under the table. But since he could not deposit it in the bank, he bought a big house to store it.
B. My friend's jade business has gone bankrupt because it relied on corrupt businessmen doing deals under the table.