160309 经典文学《简·爱》第65期

160309 经典文学《简·爱》第65期

2016-03-09    01'42''

主播: Fred英语笔记

14943 689

Now came a pause of ten minutes, 这时开始了十分钟的停顿。 during which I, by this time in perfect possession of my wits, observed all the female Brocklehursts produce their pocket-handkerchiefs and apply them to their optics, 而此时我己经镇定自若,看到布罗克赫斯特家的三个女人都拿出了手帕,揩了揩眼镜, while the elderly lady swayed herself to and fro, and the two younger ones whispered, "How shocking!" Mr. Brocklehurst resumed. 年长的一位身子前后摇晃着,年轻的两位耳语着说:“多可怕!” 布罗克赫斯特先生继续说。 This I learned from her benefactress. 我是从她的恩人那儿知道的。 From the pious and charitable lady who adopted her in her orphan state, reared her as her own daughter, and whose kindness, 一位廉诚慈善的太太,在她成了孤儿的时候,是这位太太收养了她,把她作为亲生女儿来养育。 whose generosity the unhappy girl repaid by an ingratitude so bad, so dreadful, 这位不幸的姑娘竟以忘恩负义来报答她的善良和慷慨。 that at last her excellent patroness was obliged to separate her from her own young ones, fearful lest her vicious example should contaminate their purity. 这种行为那么恶劣,那么可怕,那位出色的恩主终于不得不把她同自己幼小的孩子们分开,生怕她的坏样子会沾污他们的纯洁。 She has sent her here to be healed, even as the Jews of old sent their diseased to the troubled pool of Bethesda; 她被送到这里来治疗,就像古时的犹太人把病人送往毕士大搅动着的池水中一样。 And, teachers, superintendent, I beg of you not to allow the waters to stagnate round her. 教师们,校长们,我请求你们不要让她周围成为一潭死水。 With this sublime conclusion, Mr. Brocklehurst adjusted the top button of his surtout, muttered something to his family, 说了这样精彩的结语以后,布罗克赫斯特先生整了一下长大衣最上头的一个钮扣,同他的家属嘀咕了几句, who rose, bowed to Miss Temple, and then all the great people sailed in state from the room. 后者站起来,向坦普尔小姐鞠了一躬。 Turning at the door, my judge said: "Let her stand half-an-hour longer on that stool, and let no one speak to her during the remainder of the day." 随后所有的大人物都堂而皇之地走出了房间。在门边拐弯时,我的这位法官说:“让她在那条凳子上再站半个小时,在今天的其余时间里,不要同她说话。” There was I, then, mounted aloft. 于是我就这么高高地站着。 I, who had said I could not bear the shame of standing on my natural feet in the middle of the room, was now exposed to general view on a pedestal of infamy. 而我曾说过,我不能忍受双脚站立于房间正中的耻辱,但此刻我却站在耻辱台上示众。