160527 经典文学《简·爱》第83期

160527 经典文学《简·爱》第83期

2016-05-27    02'08''

主播: Fred英语笔记

11421 428

And shall I see you again, Helen, when I die? 海伦,我死掉后,还能再见到你吗? You will come to the same region of happiness. be received by the same mighty, universal Parent, no doubt, dear Jane. 你会来到同一个幸福的地域,被同一个伟大的、普天下共有的父亲所接纳,毫无疑问,亲爱的简。 Again I questioned, but this time only in thought. 我又再次发问,不过这回只是想想而已。 Where is that region? Does it exist? 这个地域在哪儿?它存在不存在? And I clasped my arms closer round Helen; 我用胳膊把海伦楼得更紧了。 she seemed dearer to me than ever; 她对我似乎比以往任何时候都要宝贵了, I felt as if I could not let her go. 我仿佛觉得我不能让她走。 I lay with my face hidden on her neck. 我躺着把脸埋在她的颈窝里。 经典文学《简·爱》 Presently she said, in the sweetest tone: "How comfortable I am! " 她立刻用最甜蜜的嗓音说:“我多么舒服啊!” That last fit of coughing has tired me a little. 刚才那一阵子咳嗽弄得我有点儿累了, I feel as if I could sleep, but don't leave me, Jane. I like to have you near me. 我好像是能睡着了,可是别离开我,简,我喜欢你在我身边。 I'll stay with you, DEAR Helen. no one shall take me away. 我会同你呆在一起的,亲爱的海伦。谁也不能把我撵走。 Are you warm, darling? 你暖和吗,亲爱的? Yes. 是的。 Good-night, Jane. 晚安,简。 Good-night, Helen. 晚安,海伦。 She kissed me, and I her, and we both soon slumbered. 她吻了我,我吻了她,两人很快就睡熟了。 When I awoke it was day: An unusual movement roused me; 我醒来的时候已经是白天了。一阵异样的抖动把我弄醒了。 I looked up; I was in somebody's arms. 我抬起头来,发现自己正躺在别人的怀抱里。 The nurse held me. She was carrying me through the passage back to the dormitory. 那位护士抱着我,正穿过过道把我送回宿舍。 I was not reprimanded for leaving my bed; 我没有因为离开床位而受到责备。 People had something else to think about; 人们还有别的事儿要考虑。 No explanation was afforded then to my many questions; 我提出的很多问题也没有得到解释。 But a day or two afterwards I learned that Miss Temple, on returning to her own room at dawn, had found me laid in the little crib; 但一两天后我知道,坦普尔小姐在拂晓回房时,发现我躺在小床上。 My face against Helen Burns's shoulder, my arms round her neck. 我的脸蛋紧贴着海伦.彭斯的肩膀,我的胳膊搂着她的脖子。 I was asleep, and Helen was - dead. 我睡着了,而海伦-死了。 Her grave is in Brocklebridge churchyard. 她的坟墓在布罗克布里奇墓地。 For fifteen years after her death it was only covered by a grassy mound; 她去世后十五年中,墓上仅有一个杂草丛生的土墩。 But now a grey marble tablet marks the spot, inscribed with her name, and the word "Resurgam." 但现在一块灰色的大理石墓碑标出了这个地点,上面刻着她的名字及“重生”这个字。