170627 经典文学《简·爱》 第185期

170627 经典文学《简·爱》 第185期

2017-06-27    01'26''

主播: Fred英语笔记

6404 237

"It gets late," said Mrs. Fairfax, entering in rustling state. "时候不早了,"费尔法克斯太太浑身叮当作响,进了房间说。 "I am glad I ordered dinner an hour after the time Mr. Rochester mentioned, for it is past six now. "幸亏我订的饭菜比罗切斯特先生说的时间晚一个小时,现在已经过了六点了。 I have sent John down to the gates to see if there is anything on the road. 我已派约翰到大门口去,看看路上有没有动静。 One can see a long way from thence in the direction of Millcote." 从那儿往米尔科特的方向望去,可以看得很远。" She went to the window. 她朝窗子走去。 "Here he is!" said she. "Well, John" (leaning out) , "Any news?" "他来了!"她说。"嗨,约翰"(探出身子)"有消息吗?" "They're coming, ma 'am," was the answer. "They'll be here in ten minutes." "他们来了,夫人,"对方回答道。"十分钟后就到。" Adèle flew to the window. 阿黛勒朝窗子飞奔过去。 经典文学《简·爱》 I followed, taking care to stand on one side, so that, screened by the curtain, I could see without being seen. 我跟在后面,小心地靠一边站立,让窗帘遮掩着,使我可以看得清清楚楚,却不被人看见。 The ten minutes John had given seemed very long, but at last wheels were heard. 约翰所说的那十分钟似乎很长。不过终于听到了车轮声。 Four equestrians galloped up the drive, and after them came two open carriages. 四位骑手策马驰上了小道,两辆敞开的马车尾随其后。 Fluttering veils and waving plumes filled the vehicles. 车内面纱飘拂,羽毛起伏。 Two of the cavaliers were young, dashing-looking gentlemen. 两位年轻骑手,精神抖擞,一付绅士派头。 The third was Mr. Rochester, on his black horse, Mesrour, Pilot bounding before him; 第三位是罗切斯特先生,骑着他的黑马梅斯罗,派洛特跳跃着奔跑在他前面。 At his side rode a lady, and he and she were the first of the party. 与他并驾齐驱的是一位女士,这批人中,他们俩一马当先。 Her purple riding-habit almost swept the ground, her veil streamed long on the breeze; 她那紫色的骑装差不多己扫到了地面,她的面纱长长地在微风中飘动, mingling with its transparent folds, and gleaming through them, shone rich raven ringlets. 她那乌黑浓密的卷发,同它透明的折裥绕在一起,透过面纱闪动着光芒。 "Miss Ingram!" exclaimed Mrs. Fairfax, and away she hurried to her post below. "英格拉姆小姐,"费尔法克斯太太大叫一声,急冲冲下楼去履行她的职务了。