170810 经典文学《简·爱》 第196期

170810 经典文学《简·爱》 第196期

2017-08-10    01'45''

主播: Fred英语笔记

4896 141

These features appeared to me not only inflated and darkened, but even furrowed with pride. 在我看来,这样的五官不仅因为傲慢而显得膨胀和阴沉,而且还起了皱纹。 And the chin was sustained by the same principle, in a position of almost preternatural erectness. 她的下巴由于同样的原因总是直挺挺的简直不可思议。 She had, likewise, a fierce and a hard eye. 同时,她的目光凶狠冷酷。 It reminded me of Mrs. Reed's. 使我想起了里德太太的眼睛。 She mouthed her words in speaking. 她说话装腔作势。 Her voice was deep, its inflections very pompous, very dogmatical, -- very intolerable, in short. 嗓音深沉,声调夸张,语气专横--总之,让人难以忍受。 A crimson velvet robe, and a shawl turban of some gold-wrought Indian fabric, invested her (I suppose she thought) with a truly imperial dignity. 一件深红丝绒袍,一顶用印度金丝织物做的披肩式软帽赋予她(我估计她这样想)一种真正的皇家气派。 Blanche and Mary were of equal stature, straight and tall as poplars. 布兰奇和玛丽都是同样身材--像白杨一样高大挺拔, Mary was too slim for her height, but Blanche was moulded like a Dian. 以高度而论,玛丽显得过份苗条了些,而布兰奇活脱脱像个月亮女神。 I regarded her, of course, with special interest. 当然我是怀着特殊的兴趣来注意她的。 经典文学《简·爱》 First, I wished to see whether her appearance accorded with Mrs. Fairfax's description. 第一我希望知道,她的外貌是不是同费尔法克斯太太的描绘相符。 Secondly, whether it at all resembled the fancy miniature I had painted of her. 第二想看看她是不是像我凭想象画成的微型肖像画。 And thirdly--it will out!--whether it were such as I should fancy likely to suit Mr. Rochester's taste. 第三--这总会暴露--是否像我所设想的那样,会适合罗切斯特先生的口味。 As far as person went, she answered point for point, both to my picture and Mrs. Fairfax's description. 就外貌而言,她各方面都与我的画和费尔法克斯太太的描绘相吻合。 The noble bust, the sloping shoulders, the graceful neck, the dark eyes and black ringlets were all there. 高高的胸部、倾斜的肩膀、美丽的颈项、乌黑的眸子和黑油油的卷发,一应俱全。 But her face? Her face was like her mother's; a youthful unfurrowed likeness. 但她的脸呢?活像她母亲的,只是年青而没有皱纹。 The same low brow, the same high features, the same pride. 一样低低的额角,一样高傲的五官,一样盛气凌人。 It was not, however, so saturnine a pride! She laughed continually. 不过她的傲慢并不那么阴沉。她常常笑声不绝。 Her laugh was satirical, and so was the habitual expression of her arched and haughty lip. 而且笑里含着嘲弄,这也是她那弯弯的傲气十足的嘴唇所常有的表情。 imperial [im'piəriəl] adj. 帝国(王)的,至尊的,特大的 miniature ['miniətʃə] n. 缩图,小画像 adj. 小型的 principle ['prinsəpl] n. 原则,原理,主义,信念 sustained [səs'teind] adj. 持久的,经久不衰的 saturnine ['sætə:nain] adj. 忧郁的,受土星影响的,讥讽的 satirical [sə'tirikəl] adj. 讽刺的,爱挖苦的 dignity ['digniti] n. 尊严,高贵,端庄 fabric ['fæbrik] n. 织物,结构,构造 vt. 构筑 preternatural [.pri:tə'nætʃərəl] adj. 异常的,超自然的 description [di'skripʃən] n. 描写,描述,说明书,作图,类型 source: kekenet.com