

2017-07-21    04'13''

主播: 英伦好声音

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(下拉有中英对照文本) At the beginning of October the marquis received a letter from Madame Claumont, who wrote to inform him that after the dreadful business with poor Madame Perrien she had decided to cross the Channel and go to visit her friends in London. She advised the marquis to do the same. What dreadful business? The marquis had no idea and immediately sent a servant to Paris to inquire The man returned with a letter from Monsieur Perrien. It made shocking reading. Madame Perrien had been murdered. It was, wrote her husband, unimaginable to think who could have done such a terrible deed. She had been found wearing a necklace of red garnets. The marquis was shaken to the very center of his being by this news. He remembered with terrifying clarity what she had said: “We have made a pact with the devil!” No, he wouldn’t think about it, he would put this unpleasant subject out of his mind. It had nothing to do with him. He was in no way responsible for her death. 十月初,侯爵接到Madame Claumont的一封信,通知他,Madame Perrien决定横渡海峡,去伦敦看望朋友。她建议侯爵也这样做。 发生什么可怕的事情?侯爵没了主意,马上派了一个仆人去巴黎打听。仆人带回了一封来自Monsieur Perrien的信。信上说Madame Perrien被谋杀了。她丈夫写道,这太令人难以置信了,不知道是谁做出了这样可怕的事情。她死的时候戴着红石榴石项链。 侯爵震惊了。他清楚地记得她所说的话:“我们已经和魔鬼达成了协议!不,他不会想这件事,他会忘记这个不愉快的话题。这与他无关。他对她的死毫无责任。 Still, he felt ill, plagued by some malady that had upset his nerves, making him jump every time wheels were heard crunching on the gravel outside. He even started to see the ghost of his dead wife wandering silently around the house. The marquis’s health recovered somewhat when he received an invitation to a banquet at the Palace of Versailles. The guest list included the officers of the Flanders Regiment, the Montmorency Dragoons, the Swiss Guards, and other officers and noblemen. It convinced the marquis that at last the counterrevolution had begun. He dressed in his finest suit, his tallest wig, and shoes with red heels and diamond buckles, and set off for Versailles in his gold-painted carriage. To Sido he looked like a canary in a gilded cage. 尽管如此,他还是感到不舒服,某种疾病困扰着他的神经,每次听到车轮在碎石上嘎吱嘎吱响,他都会跳起来。他甚至开始看到死去妻子的鬼魂在屋子里静静地徘徊。 侯爵接到凡尔赛宫的宴会邀请时,恢复了一些健康。宾客名单里包括了佛兰德斯的军官,龙骑兵的元帅,瑞士卫队,以及其他一些官员和贵族。这让侯爵相信,最后的反革命已经开始了。侯爵穿着最漂亮的西装,戴着最高的假发,穿着有钻石搭扣的红色鞋子。乘坐着金黄色的马车启程前往Versailles。Sido觉得他就像笼子里的金丝雀似的。 In the early hours of the next morning the marquis arrived home shouting “Vive le Roi!” at the top of his voice, waking up the whole household. Sido looked over the banisters to see her father in the hall, swaying from side to side and bellowing. “The counterrevolution has started! The monarchy is to be restored to its former glory!” He lurched toward Jacques, the butler. “Then you peasants will know your place once and for all.” 第二天清晨,侯爵到家高呼“国王万岁!”他的声音把大家都吵醒了。Sido透过栏杆,看着大厅里左右摇摆和吼叫的父亲。 “反革命已经开始了!君主制将恢复到昔日的辉煌!“他蹒跚地走向管家Jacques。“你们农民将会永远认清自己的位置。” He stood in the hall, swaying like a full-rigged galleon on a sozzled sea of red wine. “You should have heard how we drank to the king, and how we cried out with one voice, ‘Long may you reign! Vive le Roi! Vive la Reine!’ You should have seen the queen holding up the little Dauphin, a symbol of the continuation of kings, as the tears rolled down her cheeks! I tell you, we will deal with the rabble! We will bring down their Revolution! Vive le Roi! ” He spat the words in Jacques’s face. 他站在大厅里,像一个装备完整的帆船摇曳在红酒的海洋里。 “你该听听我们怎样向国王说的,我们都异口同声地说:‘愿你统治。’!国王万岁!皇后万岁!你应该看到王后举着小海豚,那是国王延续的象征,泪水顺着她的脸颊滚落下来!我告诉你,我们会打败你们这些乌合之众!我们将打败他们的革命!国王万岁!“ 他对着Jacque的脸狠狠说着。 For a moment Sido thought the marquis was about to capsize. Two footmen rushed to steady him, and he pushed them aside angrily, holding on to the banister as he slowly righted himself, though his wig, like the rigging of a ship, was starboard bent. Sido watched as Jacques and the footmen did their best to help her father up the stairs. As he passed Sido on the landing he stopped and said, “Who are you?” Sido didn’t answer. “As I thought,” said the marquis. “A ghost. Away with you.” Sido有一会儿以为侯爵快摔倒了。两个侍从冲去扶他,侯爵却不让他们扶,生气地把他们推到了一边,自己扶着栏杆慢慢站正,虽然他的假发,像一条船的索具,还是弯着的。 Sido看着Jacques和侍从尽力帮助她父亲上楼。路过Sido时,他停了下来,说,“你是谁?” Sido没有回答。 “我想,”侯爵说。“你是鬼魂。走开。” ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】