

2017-08-04    04'05''

主播: 英伦好声音

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(下拉有中英对照文本) Shortly after this that Madame Claumont disappeared. Her body was retrieved at low tide, half buried in the Thames mud near Cheyne Walk, her little dog whining beside her. Henry Laxton accompanied Sir John Randall to identify the body. Madame Claumont was wearing a necklace that was caked in mud, like the rest of her. A red garnet caught Mr. Laxton’s eye. It was, as he had suspected, a necklace like those Charles Cordell had described to him, and the sight of it made him feel sick to his stomach. What part, he wondered, had Kalliovski played in her murder? 不久之后,Madame Claumont就消失了。退潮时,人们发现了她的尸体,一半埋在Cheyne Walk附近的泰晤士河里,她的小狗在她身边。Henry Laxton陪同John Randall先生去辨认尸体。Madame Claumont戴着一条项链,满身是泥,就像在休息一样。一个红色的石榴石,吸引了Laxton先生的目光。他怀疑,这条项链就是Charles Cordell描述的那条,这样的景象让他感到恶心。他想知道,是Kalliovski谋杀了她吗? A terrible, undeniable truth struck him. This was the man Sido was to marry. How could he possibly standby, knowing what he did, and let her be sacrificed to this monster? Something must be done before it was too late. These days Yann was feeling that the past was well behind him. Then, with three simple words, the world that he thought was his to inherit slipped through his fingers like sand. On a hot summer’s evening, with the study door open to the garden, Mr. Laxton had read him a letter he had just received from Cordell. The three words that stood out, illuminated diamond-bright were: “Têtu is alive.” He had been to see Cordell, and was proud and delighted to hear how well Yann had acquitted himself. Cordell had asked Têtu if he knew anyone who could be trusted to get Sido de Villeduval safely to England, and Têtu had suggested Yann. 他想到了这样一个可怕的事实。这是男人将要和Sido结婚。他怎么可能袖手旁观,知道Kalliovski做了什么后,还让Sido嫁给这个怪物?必须要做些什么,不然就太晚了。 这些天Yann觉得自己已经把过去抛在了身后。用几个简单的词来形容,曾经的世界就像沙子一样从手指间溜走了。 炎热的夏天的一个晚上,与书房门想通的花园里,Laxton先生读着刚刚收到来自Cordell的一封信,三个字,像璀璨的钻石一样显眼:“Têtu还活着。”他曾去看过Cordell,听到Yann过得很好,感到骄傲和高兴。 Cordell问过Têtu,有没有值得信任的人,可以把Sido de Villeduval安全送到英国, Têtu建议让Yann来做这件事。 As Yann listened, he knew that his future lay not in England. he remembered with a shudder Orlenda’s three predictions and realized that one, if not two, had already come true. Orlenda had told him that he was to take comfort that Têtu was still alive. The next thing she had predicted puzzled him greatly and made him sure that she must be wrong about the dwarf. She told him he had already met the only person he would ever love. “This love could be the death of both of you,” said Orlenda. Only now could he acknowledge that she had meant Sido Perhaps, if he was honest with himself, he had always known it, even from the very first moment he had seen her. Yann听着,他知道自己将来不会呆在英国。他记得Orlenda的三个预测已经已经成真了两个。Orlenda曾告诉他,当时Yann觉得是在安慰自己,Têtu还活着。她预言的下一件事让他大惑不解,他确信这个预言一定是错了。Orlenda告诉Yann,他已经遇到了他唯一的爱人。 “这份爱情会要了你们两个的命,”Orlenda说。 现在他承认Orlenda指的是Sido。 也许,他对自己诚实一些的话,他一直知道,甚至从他见到Sido的第一刻起就知道了。 The last of Orlenda’s three predictions that there is a bullet waiting him in Paris had been one t had terrified him the most and made him run away. Now he realized that therewas no more running to be done; he would have to go back and face the bullet. Perhaps, like the magician, this time he would be able to catch it. Mr. Laxton put down the letter and said firmly,“These are very dangerous times. You don’t have to do this.” “But I do,” said Yann. I have been waiting a long time for that letter to arrive.” His determination to give up all that he had earned took Henry Laxton completely by surprise. “What about university?” “I t can wait. But Sido can’t.” Mr. Laxton paused. “Yann, as I said, this is not going to be easy. Kalliovski will not take kindly to anyone trying to take away what belongs to him. You are dealing with a very dangerous man.” “That makes it all the more important that we succeed.” “In that case I will need a couple of weeks to get all the papers in order; then you can go.” Orlenda的三个预言中说,有一颗子弹会在巴黎杀死他,当时这让Yann吓坏了,跑掉了。现在他意识到,自己不能再逃避了,要回去面对那颗子弹。也许,像魔术师那样,这个时候他会抓住那颗子弹。 Laxton先生放下信,坚定地说,“这太危险了。你不需要这么做。” “我会这样做的,”Yann说。“我等那封信等了很长一段时间了。” Yann决心放弃一切,这已经让Henry Laxton大吃一惊了。 “那你怎么上大学?” “大学可以等等再去上。但是Sido不能等。” Laxton先生停了下来。“Yann,就像我说的,这太难了。Kalliovski不会接受想要试图夺走属于他一切的人。你面对的是一个非常危险的人。” “如果我们成功了,那就更好了。” “这样的话,我需要两个星期的时间把所有的文件整理好,然后你就可以走了。” ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】