

2017-09-06    05'24''

主播: 英伦好声音

1390 110

(下拉有中英对照文本) The next morning Yann was back at the Place Royale, eager to tell Sido of her unexpected good fortune. He took up his position as before, not wanting to draw attention to himself. By half past one, Yann had to acknowledge that something was wrong, and the unpleasant image of Mr. Tull came back to haunt him. Yann moved nearer to the door, hoping beyond hope that she would still come down. As he leaned against the wall, he could hear the women nearby gossiping. “That poor girl! There she was, trying to stop him from shouting, and he kicked her in front of everybody. Most probably that’s how she got that limp in the first place.” 第二天早上,Yann回到王宫广场,急于告诉Sido这笔意外之财。他像以前那样站在那里,不想引起别人的注意。 一点半了,Yann不得不承认可能发生了一些事情,和Tull先生所发生不愉快的事情依然困扰着他。Yann靠近门口,希望她仍然会下来。他靠在墙上,听见附近的妇女在讲闲话。“那个可怜的女孩!她就在那儿,试图阻止他大喊大叫,他却在众人面前踢了她一脚。也有可能她一开始就一瘸一拐的。” “Well, he’s not right in the head, is he?” said her friend. “You could see that. Mad, like the lot of them. Too much inbreeding, I say. That’s what’s wrong with all these stinking aristocrats.” At that all three women chuckled. “He was a sight for sore eyes, wasn’t he? Did you notice that one side of his powdered hair was stuck to his head, as if he’d been sleeping on it?” “Shouting out at the top of his voice that the devil was coming to get them! I thought the National Guard would come and arrest him, the noise he was making.” “I t took two strong men to get him into that carriage, didn’t it?” “You had to feel sorry for the girl, though. She was in tears by the time they took off.” Yann had heard enough. A wave of panic flooded through. He should have gotten her out when he had the chance. Now he hated to think of the danger she was in. “嗯,他头脑不正常,是吗?”她的朋友说。“你可以看到。就像许多人一样,疯了。要我说,近亲结婚太多了。这些臭贵族都错了。” 其他三名妇女也笑了。 “他看起来很有趣,不是吗?你注意到他头发的一边粘在头上了吗,好像他一直睡在上面一样?” “他大声喊着说魔鬼来接他们了!我以为国民警卫队会来逮捕他,他制造了不少噪音。” “那两个强壮的人把他带进了那辆马车,不是吗?” “尽管,你要为那个女孩感到难过。起飞的时候,她都哭了。 Yann已经听够了。一阵恐慌感席卷了他。他有机会的,应该把她弄走的。现在他想到了Sido将会面临多少危险。 By the time Yann returned to the Theater of Liberty it was early evening. In Monsieur Aulard’s office, Têtu was in the middle of a terrible argument with the theater manager. Didier, his great arms folded across his chest, stood watching his boss and the dwarf bellow at each other. Têtu was in the middle of a terrible argument with the theater manager. Didier, his great arms folded across his chest, stood watching his boss and the dwarf bellow at each other. “Stop it!” shouted Yann. They turned to look at him. Sido’s gone. Tull came last night. She’s left with the marquis.” “Well, that was fast,” said Têtu, out of breath. “With luck she’ll be well on her way to England by now.” Yann回到剧场,已经傍晚了。 Aulard先生的办公室里,Têtu和剧院经理正在争吵。Didier胳膊交叉在胸前,站在那里看着他的老板和侏儒互相吼叫。 “停下!“Yann喊道。他们转过身来看着他。Sido走了。Tull昨晚来了。她和侯爵一起走了。” “哦,这么快,”Têtu上气不接下气地说。“幸运的是,她现在很快就要去英国了。” “No, something’s wrong. When the carriage came last night the marquis kept screaming and wouldn’t get in. A crowd gathered and he kicked Sido in front of them and insulted them all.” “If he was making that much of a din, then their attempt to escape must have been obvious,” said Têtu. "Why wasn’t he arrested?” The implication of Têtu’s question suddenly hit them all like a hammer blow. Têtu rolled down his shirtsleeves and pulled at his jacket, all notion of fighting gone. “That scoundrel,” he said. “We need to make immediate inquiries about Tull. I take it you don’t mind if I use Didier?” “Of course not. Did I ever say I did?” said Monsieur Aulard. "But Didier, for pity’s sake go down to wardrobe and get a hat that fits.” Têtu and Didier set off toward the cafés on the rue du Temple. Yann decided to take the maze of small streets that led off the rue des Francs-Bourgeois in search of anyone who had information about the coach or its driver that might lead him to Tull. “不,肯定出了什么事。昨晚马车来的时候,侯爵一直在尖叫,不肯进去。围观的群众说,他踢了Sido,侮辱了他们。” “如果他闹的动静那么大,很明显他们是要逃走的,”Têtu说。“为什么他没有被逮捕?“ Têtu的问题像锤击一样,让大家都沉思了起来。Têtu放下袖子,拉上了夹克,不再想要争吵了。 “那个无赖,”他说。“我们问问Tull。我想你不介意我用Didier吧?“ “当然不。我有说过我介意吗?”Monsieur Aulard说。 “但是,天哪,可怜的家伙,到衣柜里找一顶合适的帽子吧。” Têtu和Didier一起向大庙街的咖啡店走去。Yann决定去找找有没有人知道哪位车夫能带他去见见Tull。 I t was well past midnight when he gave up. By then the streets were deserted. Suddenly an idea came to him. Where in the city, he wondered, was a café that sold beer to tempt an Englishman? Of course, the café in the Palais-Royal! By the time he arrived, most of the clientele was emptying lazily out onto the street. The barman looked up when he saw Yann enter. “We’re closed, citizen.” “I haven’t come for a drink. I ’m looking for an Englishman by the name of Tull. Does he come in here?” 已过了午夜,他放弃了。那时。街上空无一人。 突然他想到了一个主意。他想,城里的某个地方,有没有一家咖啡厅卖啤酒来吸引英国人?当然有,咖啡厅在巴黎皇家宫殿里! Yann到的时候,店里没多少人了,大多数顾客都懒洋洋地走在街上。酒保抬起头,看到Yann进来了。 “我们关门了,公民。” “我不是来喝酒的。我在找一个名叫Tull的英国人。他来过这里吗?“ “What’s that to you?” said the bartender, putting down the glass he was rubbing with a dirty cloth. “I need to speak to him,” said Yann. “It’s urgent.” The bartender grabbed him by the lapels of his sky- blue coat. “Beat it. You wouldn’t want me spoiling those good looks of yours, would you?” He let him go. Yann felt a surge of ice-cold fury rush in upon him. He lifted his head slowly to see threads of light coming from everything and everyone in the café. Yann stood there like a puppet-master, pulling at the threads, so that first one glass and then another fell, smashing all around the startled bartender, who stood petrified as he watched the young man orchestrating objects to move at his will. “那对你有什么意义吗?”酒保说,放下他用脏布擦过的杯子。 “我需要和他谈谈,”Yann说。“一件很急的事情。” 酒保抓住了他天蓝色上衣的翻领。 “停下。你不想让我毁了你漂亮的衣服,不是吗?” 他松开了Yann。Yann感到很愤怒。慢慢抬起头来,看到咖啡馆里的每一件东西、每个人身上发出的光。Yann站在那里像个傀儡师,拉着线,第一个玻璃杯子倒了,然后是第二个,砸在了酒保身边,酒保站在那里,看着那个年轻人,按照自己的意愿,移动着东西。 The last customers ran from the café as chairs went flying across the room. Yann turned back to the bartender. “Let me ask you again. Does a Mr. Tull drink here?” “Yes, yes,” said the bartender anxiously. “And do you know who he works for?” The bartender beckoned him closer. “You promise you won’t say anything? I ’m a dead man if you do.” 最后一批顾客从咖啡馆跑出来,椅子在房间里飞舞。Yann回到酒吧。 “我再问你一次。Tull先生在这里喝过酒吗?“ “是的,是的,”酒保焦急地说。 “你知道他为谁工作吗?”“ 酒保招手叫他靠近些。 “你保证不会对其他人说这件事情?如果你说了,我就死定了。” ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】