

2017-09-13    05'42''

主播: 英伦好声音

1166 111

(下拉有中英对照文本) Sido woke to find herself not back in the dormitory on her wooden board but in a proper bed in a small room with the luxury of sheets. There was a window, high and barred, and a chair on which was placed a vase of bright blood red roses, She sat up as the door opened, expecting to see Kalliovski. Much to her relief a plainly dressed woman with a bunch of keys at her waist entered, carrying a tray. Citizeness Villon was a buxom woman, the wife of the prison governor. Carefully she set down the tray with its bowl of soup and freshly cut bread. "You gave us quite a scare,” she said, handing Sido a spoon. The soup, chicken broth with herbs and potatoes, tasted delicious. “It’s good to see you looking better. Citizen Kalliovski has undertaken to pay for all the little extras too. What a charming, thoughtful man! Why, he’s even gone to the trouble of ordering you a new dress.” “How long have I been here?” “Several days. Prison fever. Now, eat up. “Do you know where my father is?” “He’s been moved to a cell of his own. Sido醒来,发现自己没有回到宿舍,睡在木板上。而是睡在一个豪华的小房间里。有一个高高的窗口,椅子上放着一个花瓶,里面插着鲜艳的红玫瑰,她坐起来打开门,想着会看到Kalliovski。却看到一位衣着朴素的妇女,腰间拿着一串钥匙,提着一个托盘走进来,这让她感到宽慰。 女公民Villon是监狱长的妻子,一个丰满的女人。她小心翼翼地放下托盘,端上一碗汤和刚切好的面包。 “你把我们吓坏了,”她说,给了Sido一把汤勺。鸡汤里面有香草和土豆,味道好极了。 “很高兴看到你好点了。公民kalliovski已承诺支付这些额外费用。多么迷人、体贴的人啊!他甚至给你订了一件新衣服。” “我在这里多久了?” “几天了。现在,吃吧。” “你知道我爸爸在哪儿吗?”“ “他被带到自己的牢房里去了。”。 Later that morning Citizeness Villon returned with two warders who brought in a tub of water. Sido bathed herself and washed her hair, beginning slowly to feel more human. She dried herself and dressed in her new gown. It smelled of lavender, reminding her of the château garden where she used to walk on sunny afternoons. Citizeness Villon inspected her charge. "You must go back to the main prison now,” she said, handing her over to the turnkey. “But don’t you worry. I’ll bring all your meals as well as your clean laundry.” "I see you’ve been promoted to your own cell,” said the turnkey as he walked her back along the corridor. He leered at her. “You smell nice. I like it when young ladies smell nice.” He unlocked a door. “Well, here it is. Versailles itself can’t compare.” He chuckled as he bolted and locked the door behind him. 当天上午,女公民Villon和两个狱卒谁带来了一桶水回来。Sido自己沐浴,洗了头发,开始慢慢感觉到自己像个人了。她擦干身子,穿上新衣服。闻到了薰衣草的味道,这让她想起了曾在阳光明媚的下午走在城堡花园里的感觉。 女公民Villon检查她负责的房间。 “你现在要回到主监狱了,”她说,把她交给了狱卒。“但你不用担心。我会给你带来的饭菜和干净的衣服。” “我看见你有自己的牢房了,”狱卒一边沿着走廊走一边说。他恶狠狠地瞪着Sido。“你闻起来真香。我喜欢闻起来很香的年轻女士。” 他打开了门。“嗯,就是这里。Versailles本身也比不上。”他笑着,用螺栓锁上了身后的门。 The cell had nothing in it apart from a bed, a bucket, and high up in the wall, a small window. At least, Sido thought, I don’t have to share it. It seemed there was nothing she could do, other than accept Kalliovski. The thought of him touching her again made her shiver, and tears rolled down her face. The next morning Sido woke to the sound of the bolts to her door being pulled back. “You’re a popular couple of high-ups, ain’t you?” said the turnkey. “Get up; your lawyer wants to see you. Look lively.” 除了床,桶,高高的墙,一个小窗户外,牢房里什么也没有。但至少,Sido想,这里只有我自己。 似乎除了接受Kalliovski的提议,她什么也做不了。一想到他又碰了她,她吓得直打哆嗦,眼泪顺着她的脸颊滚落下来。 第二天早上,Sido醒来,听到她的门被拉开。 “你很受欢迎,不是吗?”狱卒说。“起来,你的律师想见你。看上去高兴点儿。” He led her to a whitewashed room with a table and four chairs, and closed the door behind him. Next to enter was her father, followed by Maître Tardieu and a clerk. Her father’s hair had turned completely white and his skin seemed to have fallen from him like the tide pulling away from a pebbled beach. All that remained was the haunted, frightened look in his eyes. He turned on Maître Tardieu. "I hold you responsible for this outrage, sir.” "Please, Papa, Maître Tardieu is here to help us.” “Be silent, madame. Where are my servants? Take me back to my room this instant.” “Please calm yourself.” 他把她带到了一个白色的房间,里面有一张桌子和四把椅子,关上了身后的门。接下来她的父亲也进来了,然后是Maître Tardieu和职员。她父亲的头发已经全白,皮肤像是退潮后的鹅卵石一样苍白。眼中只剩下了恐惧。 他转向Maître Tardieu。“我认为你应该对这种暴行负责,先生。” “爸爸,拜托了,Maître Tardieu是来帮助我们的。” “安静点,女士。我的仆人在哪里?马上把我送回我的房间。” “请冷静下来。” Her father lashed out at her, hitting her hard across the face. She stumbled, to be caught by Maître Tardieu’s clerk. “Are you all right?” he asked softly. For a moment Sido thought she was dreaming, for it was Yann who had caught her. Putting his finger to his lips, he helped her to a chair. “It’s the only way to deal with ghosts, thrash them!” shouted the marquis at the top of his voice. The turnkey, hearing the commotion, came rushing back into the room. “What’s going on here?” “Take me away now. Keep her from me. I’ve had enough of that dead woman. Shouted the marquis. “Better take him then. I ’ll be as quick as I can,” said Maître Tardieu, looking despairingly at the turnkey. The door closed with a loud thud. Maître Tardieu spoke almost in a whisper. 她父亲怒斥了她,又重重地打了她的脸。她差点儿绊倒,被Maître Tardieu带来的职员扶住了。 “你没事吧?”他轻声问道。 有一会儿,Sido以为她是在做梦,因为她觉得是Yann扶住了她。 他把手指放在嘴唇上,扶她坐到椅子上。 “这是对付鬼魂的唯一办法,鞭打他们!”侯爵用最大声音喊道。 狱卒听到了骚动,冲了进来。 “这里发生什么事了?” “带我走吧。让她离我远点儿。我受够了那个死去的女人。”侯爵喊道。 “最好带他走吧。我会尽快的,”Maître Tardieu绝望地看向狱卒说着。 随着砰的一声关上了门。Maître Tardieu几乎在耳语了。 “Mademoiselle Sido, I think you should know that Kalliovski is applying to have you released as long as you agree to marry him. Is that what you want?” “No, no.” Time is of the essence. Your case comes up before the tribunal in less than two days. You and your father are accused of being counterrevolutionaries and of trying to escape from France, taking with you a vast fortune.” “But that’s nonsense. We have nothing. You know we have nothing.” “I t matters not.” He let out a heavy sigh. “I feel that I have failed you and your grandfather devoted.” “No, sir, you are too hard on yourself—” “Please, mademoiselle,” Maître Tardieu broke in.“Put your trust in Yann Margoza. It is your only chance of escape.” “But sir, I can’t leave my father here.” “Mademoiselle Sido,我想你应该知道,只要你同意嫁给Kalliovski,他就会放了你。你想要这样吗?“ “不,我不想。” 时间是最重要的。不到两天的时间,你的案子就要交给法庭审理了。你和你的父亲被指控为反革命分子,试图带着你的一大笔财富逃离法国。” “那是胡说。我们什么都没有。你知道我们什么都没有。” “那不重要,”他长叹一声。“我觉得我辜负了你和你爷爷的信任。” “不,先生,你对自己的要求太严格了——” “拜托了,小姐,” Maître Tardieu打断了她的话。“请你信任Yann Margoza。这是你唯一的逃跑机会。” “可是,先生,我不能把我父亲留在这儿。” ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】