

2017-11-15    06'42''

主播: 英伦好声音

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(下拉有中英对照文本) It took Didier some time to catch up withYann, who had managed to weave and duck his way through the back alleys and down less crowded streets. At nearly every turn his way was barred by the sheer volume of people armed with spades, pitchforks, kitchen knives, and rusty swords. It was as if they were welded together like one determined, monstrous body made up of flesh, sinew, teeth and hair. With one purpose, with one mind, with murder beating in their hearts, they moved inexorably forward. They had no past, no future; they were caught in the great unthinking moment, their hearts and minds driven wild by the frenzied ringing of the tocsin, the firing of the cannons. It was as if Paris itself had a voice and howled its terror for all to hear. Didier花了一段时间才赶上了Yann,他已经设法穿过了后面的小巷,在不那么拥挤的街道上穿行。几乎在每一个拐弯处,道路都被一群手持铁锹、干草叉、菜刀和生锈的剑的人所阻挡。就好像它们被焊接在一起,就像一个由血肉、肌腱、牙齿和毛发组成的庞大身躯。他们只有一个目的,一心一意地在向前走。他们没有过去,没有未来;被困在这个时刻,心灵和思想被疯狂的托克辛钟声所驱使,那是大炮的轰鸣声。就好像巴黎自己也有了一个声音,却让所有人都感到了恐怖的气氛。 Yann had made it as far as Kalliovski’s apartment, to be told he had not returned. He went back to the Pont Neuf, but here, just as earlier, the press of people made progress almost impossible. Yann felt time slipping through his fingers like sand. Every now and then news would reach his ears of what was happening in the prisons, each report more horrific than the last. They say the butchers of Paris had to show the sans-culottes how to kill a man. They say the blood is running dow n to the Seine. It’s harder to kill a man than you think. Some of them w ere running around squaw king like chickens, with bits missing. These snippets of conversation made Yann more and more desperate. He climbed up onto the parapet of the bridge to get a better view of how far the masses stretched. Yann stood looking over the crowd, his mind whirling, and the pain in his shoulder sharp and jagged. He cursed the fact that he had failed to persuade Sido to leave while there was still a chance. Didier was now able to see Yann standing there in his sky-blue coat like a sailor looking out over an awesome sea of people. Yann尽可能接近了Kalliovski的公寓,却听说他没有回来。他回到了纽夫桥,但在这里,人们拥挤不动。Yann感觉时间像沙子一样从他的手指滑过。每隔一段时间,他就会听到监狱里发生的事情,每次报告都比前一次更可怕。 他们说,巴黎的屠夫们要向他们展示如何杀死一个人。 他们说血已经流到塞纳河。杀一个人比你想象的要难。他们中的一些人像鸡一样跑来跑去,有些东西不见了。 这些谈话让Yann越来越绝望。他爬上了桥的栏杆,想要更好地看看人群。 Yann站在人群中,思绪翻飞,肩膀很疼。他恨自己,在还有机会的情况下,没能说服Sido离开。 现在,Didier看到了Yann穿着天蓝色外套站在那里,就像一个水手望着一片令人敬畏的人海。 “We’d best get off this bridge and make for the bridge of Notre Dame,” he shouted above the noise. “Wait,” said Yann. “look! Kalliovski’s coach!” “Get down, Yann. If he sees us, he’ll kill us. Let’s aim for the Palais Royal.” "No,” said Yann. "Come on, follow me.” “我们最好离开这座桥,到巴黎圣母院桥去,”他在喧闹声中喊道。 “等等,”Yann说。 “看!Kalliovski的马车!” “下来,Yann。如果他看到我们,会杀了我们的。我们去皇家宫殿吧。” “不,”Yann说。“来吧,跟我来。” Didier knew he had no choice. Yann was now walking along the parapet, making his way ever closer to the coach. Didier followed, plowing through the crowds until at last he had his hand firmly on the door and his huge face pressed up hard against the darkened glass of the window. He could see Kalliovski, with Balthazar snarling at his feet. An automaton was sitting in the middle, and Sido was hunched in the corner, her hands to her face. Didier called to Yann, “They’re in there all right.” “Get those horses,” came a cry from the crowd. “They should be pulling cannons, not carriages.” A man leaped up and the coach driver did his best to push him off, shouting, “I have a member of the Revolutionary Council in here.” For a fleeting moment sanity prevailed. The mob parted as the coach started to lurch forward again. “It’s an aristocrat trying to escape, a traitor to the cause!” yelled Didier at the top of his lungs. Didier知道他别无选择。Yann现在正沿着栏杆走,走得更近了。Didier跟着,穿过人群,直到他的手紧紧握在门上,脸紧紧地贴在窗户玻璃上。他看到了Kalliovski,Balthazar在他的脚边咆哮。一个机器人坐在中间,Sido蹲在角落里,双手捂着脸。 Didier对Yann说:“他们在那儿。” “去找那些马吧。”人群中传来一声尖叫。 “他们应该拉炮,而不是马车。” 一个男人跳了起来,车夫尽力把他推开,喊道:“这里有一个革命委员会的成员。” 片刻的理智占据了上风。当车夫开始踉踉踉跄地向前走时,暴徒们分开了。 “这是一个试图逃跑的贵族,一个叛国者!” Didier用尽全力喊道。 The crowd needed to hear no more. That one seed of doubt worked its magic, and they swarmed upon the carriage and cut free the horses. Again the crowds parted, this time to make way for the horses to be taken like trophies won on the field of battle. The coachman slumped over on his seat, clutching a dagger that stuck out of his belly. From where Yann was standing, he could see people pulling wildly at the doors, rocking them violently from side to side. The coach looked like a huge black beetle being swarmed over by ants. He could hear Kalliovski shouting that he was a friend of the people. Some men had now climbed on top of the roof and were about to put their axes through it, waiting to make firewood of the coach and its passengers. 大家不需要再听到别的什么了。怀疑的种子种下了,他们蜂拥到马车上,把马放走了。人群又分开了,这一次为了像在战场上获得胜利时,为马匹腾出一条道路。车夫瘫倒在座位上,手里抓着一把刺透了肚子的匕首。 从Yann站的地方,他可以看到人们疯狂地拉着门,从一边猛烈地摇晃着。马车看起来就像一只巨大的黑甲虫,被蚂蚁包围着。他能听到Kalliovski大喊:他是人民的朋友。有些人爬到马车上,准备把斧子放进去,等着给马车和乘客做柴火。 He could see the automaton being flung out, ripped limb from waxen limb, as Balthazar snarled, savage and futile. Then he became aware that Sido had been dragged out, her arms pinned behind her and a knife at her throat. Didier was battling to get to her, but Yann knew that he wouldn’t be able to make it in time and for a moment he could hardly think straight. Then he realized he could see threads of light surrounding her. He felt his fingers tingle with excitement. Yann pulled hard at the threads of light. The knife flew free of Sido’s throat and stabbed a man some way away. The victim screamed with pain and collapsed, while Sido’s captor looked on amazed. In that moment Yann lifted him off his feet and threw him so that he fell backward into a startled and unwelcoming mob. Sido felt as if she was in a nightmare. Another man came forward to grab hold of her. Sweat was beginning to roll down Yann’s forehead as he pulled once more at the threads of light. The man holding Sido, terrified by this invisible foe, let go of her and started to wield his axe around and around his head. There was a scream of anguish as it flew out of his grasp and landed in the red bonnet of one of his comrades. Before he could do anything, 他可以看到,机器人被甩出了车外,Balthazar咆哮着,却徒劳无功。然后他意识到Sido已经被拖出来了,手臂被固定在身后,还有一把刀抵在她的喉咙上。Didier正在努力靠近她,但Yann知道他无法及时赶到了,一时间他几乎无法思考。然后他意识到他可以看到围绕着她的光线。他感到手指因兴奋而发麻。 Yann使劲地拉着光线。刀子从西多的喉咙里飞了出来,刺死了一个人。受害者痛苦地尖叫着,瘫倒在地,而Sido身边的人惊讶地看着这一幕。这时,Yann把他的脚抬起来,扔到一边,让他倒向一群惊慌不已的暴徒。 Sido觉得自己好像在做恶梦。另一个男人上前抓住她。Yann额头的汗水开始往下滚落,他又一次拉着光线。那个抱着西多的人,被这个看不见的敌人吓坏了,放开她,开始向着头上和周围挥舞斧头。斧头脱手,落在一个同志的红色帽子上时,那个人发出了一声痛苦的尖叫。他什么也没做成。 Yann lifted him as high as he could and dropped him onto the crowd below. Didier now took his chance. He charged toward Sido like a bull and hauled her up on his shoulders. “It’s all right,” he said urgently as she tried to resist him, “look,” and he pointed at Yann, standing on the parapet of the bridge. To her eyes he looked as an avenging angel might. Yann把他举得高高的,扔到下面的人群中。 Didier抓住了机会。像公牛似地向Sido冲去,把她扛到肩膀上。 “好啦,”他急切地说,Sido试图挣扎,“看,”他指了指站在桥栏杆上的Yann。在她看来,他看起来像是一个复仇天使。 By now the crowd was in a fever of rage. Yann caught a glimpse of Kalliovski, and then he was engulfed by the crowd. His gravel-deep voice rose in one last cry. “You will never get away from me! I will find you!” Then his words were drowned by the shouts of “Kill the traitors to the Revolution!” When at last they were off the bridge Didier put Sido down. Yann took her hand and they pushed their way through the crowds. Yann, his heart pounding with excitement, could hardly believe what they had done. He laughed out loud and looked at Sido. “Life is life!” he shouted. Sido needed no one to tell her what that meant, she who only a few hours ago had narrowly missed death and had now escaped marriage to a man she detested. Instead, by some strange magic she could not understand, she was alive and free and with the person she had dreamed of in those dark hours in her prison cell. Oh yes, life was life, and may it never stop being so. 这时人群开始狂热起来。Yann瞥见了Kalliovski,然后他被人群吞没了。他那低沉的嗓音响起。 “我不会放过你的!我会找到你的!”然后他的话被“杀死叛徒,革命!”的呼喊声淹没了。 他们离开了桥,Didier放下了西多。Yann拉着Sido的手,从人群中挤了过去。 Yann激动得心怦怦直跳,简直不敢相信他们所做的事。他大声地笑着,看着Sido。 “Life is life!”他喊道。 Sido不需要别人告诉她那是什么意思,几个小时前她就险些丧命,现在已经不用再嫁给一个她讨厌的人。她无法理解的奇异魔法,让她活了下来,她是活着的,自由的,和她在牢房里那些黑暗的时刻所想着的那个人,在一起。是的,Life is life!,但愿它永不停止。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】