

2017-11-17    05'37''

主播: 英伦好声音

2276 117

(下拉有中英对照文本) It was now five minutes past four o’clock. Têtu was sitting in a deserted café near the gate of St. Denis, while the coachman across the road held fast to the horses, frightened more of losing them than of losing the carriage. Horses in a city at war, he knew well, were more valuable than gold. Monsieur Aulard chewed nervously at his fingers, as he had not done since childhood, wondering what on earth could have happened to Didier and Yann. 现在是四点钟零五分。Têtu坐在圣德尼门附近的一家废弃的咖啡馆里,对面的马车夫紧紧抓住马,害怕失去这些马匹,而不是失去马车。在一个满是战争的城市里,马比金子更有价值。 Aulard先生紧张地咬着手指,自他过了孩提时代,就没有那样做过,想知道Didier和Yann究竟会发生些什么。 Têtu seemed unperturbed by the fact that they hadn’t arrived. He had his eyes shut and his feet up on a chair in front of him. “They’ll be here any minute,” said Têtu reassuringly. He stood up and went to pay at the café bar. He walked past him toward the coachman, who was as jittery as a carpet full of fleas. “Better get ready. They will be here shortly.” “Where? But where?” said Monsieur Aulard, waving his arms wildly. “There is no sign of them.” Without even turning around Têtu said, "Look again.” Monsieur Aulard was a man who had spent his whole life working in the theater. A man who could boast of having been born in the dressing room between the acts of a Voltaire play, a man who after recent events most sincerely believed that nothing could ever surprise him again, but who was completely taken aback by the sight of Yann, Sido, and Didier suddenly appearing in the road before him like a mirage. So much so that he was stripped of the tools of his trade. Words simply failed him. 他们还没有到,Têtu似乎感到有些不安。他闭上眼睛,双脚搭在前面的椅子上。 “他们马上就到。” Têtu安慰地说。他站了起来,在咖啡馆的酒吧里付了钱。 他从Aulard身边走过,向车夫走去。车夫像地毯上的跳蚤一样战战兢兢。 “做好准备。他们很快就会来到这里。 “在哪里?在哪里呢? ”Aulard先生疯狂地挥舞着手臂说。“没有他们过来的迹象。” Têtu甚至都没有转身,说,“再看一遍。” Aulard先生一生都在剧院工作。一个人可能会因为生活在伏尔泰的话剧里而自豪,一个人最近可能觉得没什么意外的事情,但看见Yann,Sido,Didier突然出现在面前,就会吃惊。这笔生意太让他吃惊了。他说不出话来。 “I ’m sorry we’re late,” said Yann. “We had a hell of a time getting here.” “I can imagine,” said Têtu, bowing graciously. "My dear young lady, we meet again and it is with great pleasure.” “It is so good to see you too, sir,” said Sido. The driver, relieved at last to have his passengers, climbed down and opened the carriage door. “对不起,我们迟到了。”“我们在这里玩得很开心。” “我想到了,” Têtu优雅地鞠躬说。“我亲爱的小姐,我们又见面了,非常高兴。” “我也很高兴见到你,先生,”Sido说。 司机终于松了一口气,等来了乘客,爬下车,打开了车门。 “Your documents are all in order,” said Têtu. “You should have no trouble traveling. You’re going as brother and sister, Sarah and Robert Laxton. You are meeting Charles Cordell in Dieppe, at the Hôtel de Paris. He has chartered a boat. Monsieur Aulard interrupted him, anxious to speak to Sido. “Since your papers state that you are both English, it might be best to let Yann do all the talking. Now, the reason for your stay is that you have been at school here learning French and due to the political unrest your brother has come to take you home. While Monsieur Aulard talked away, Têtu took Yann aside and spoke to him in Romany so that they would not be overheard. “You’ve done well. I knew you would. What of Kalliovski?” “The last I saw of him he had been overpowered by the crowd and they were in a murderous mood,” said Yann. "I don’t see how he can have survived.” “你的文件都整齐有序放在这里,” Têtu说。“你旅行时应该不会有问题的。”你们要扮成哥哥、姐姐、Sarah和Robert Laxton。你要去巴黎的Dieppe,与Charles Cordell见面。他租了一艘船。 Aulard先生打断了他,急于跟Sido说话。 因为你的文件说你是英国人,所以最好让Yann做所有的事情。现在,你留下来的原因是你在学校学习法语,由于政治动荡,你的兄弟来带你回家。 Aulard先生说着话时,Têtu把Yann叫到一边,用德语交谈,这样他们就不会被人听到了。 “你做得很好。我知道你行。Kalliovski呢?” 他说:“我最后一次见到他时,他被人群制服了,人们很激动。 Yann说。“我不知道他是否能活下来。” Têtu looked relieved. Now Yann would never need to know the truth of who his father was. “I ’m proud of you. Now hurry, get Sido to Dieppe and come back as soon as you can. This is not over. You promise?” “I promise.” Earlier that morning, happy was not a word Sido imagined she would ever use again, but despite all that had happened, happy was what she felt, unbelievably so, as the carriage made its way through the St. Denis gate and Paris disappeared from sight. Têtu看起来松了一口气。现在,Yann不需要知道他父亲是谁了。 “我为你感到骄傲。” 快点,赶快到Dieppe去,尽快回来。这不是结束。你能保证吗?” “我保证。” 那天早些时候,Sido 并没想到自己会跟“快乐”这个词挂上钩,尽管发生了这样的事情,但令人难以置信的是,当马车穿过圣丹尼门,看不到巴黎时,她感到非常高兴。 The coach stopped at the inn at Pontoise, a low, timbered building that bustled with people and coaches, none heading in the direction of Paris, all relieved to be away from the city and all hoping to reach the coast. Inside, the rooms were packed with customers waiting to be served, elated that they were, so they believed, as good as free. Some spoke loudly and carelessly, their voices betraying their aristocratic roots. Yann instinctively disliked the place. The innkeeper, a hard-looking man, appeared to be encouraging these unwise fools. At the next table sat a group of men who had drunk more wine than was good for them, all talking loudly. Every time their glasses were empty the innkeeper kindly refilled them. Where was their driver? Yann wondered. He had a strong feeling that the man had taken their money and fled. Yann whispered urgently to her as she sat down, “Don’t speak. We’re leaving. Just follow me.” It was too late. At that moment the door to the inn was thrown open and three soldiers in National Guard uniform entered. Yann knew that escape was now impossible. He watched, certain that the innkeeper and his wife were well acquainted with these men. 马车停在了蓬图伊西的旅馆里,那是一座低矮的、木质建筑物,里面挤满了人和马车,没有一个要去巴黎,所有的人都离开了这座城市,人们都希望能到达海岸。在里面,房间里挤满了顾客,他们高兴地认为,他们是自由的。有些人在大声说话,他们的声音暴露了他们曾经是贵族。 Yann本能地不喜欢这个地方。客栈老板,一个神情严肃的人,似乎在鼓励这些愚蠢的傻瓜。下一张桌子上坐着一群喝醉了酒的人,他们都在大声说话。酒杯一空,旅店老板就好心地给他们填满了。他们的车夫在什么地方?Yann很好奇。他有一种强烈的感觉,那人拿了他们的钱逃走了。 她坐下来的时候,Yann低声对她说, “不要说话。我们走。跟我来。” 一切都太迟了。那一刻,客栈的门打开了,三名士兵穿着国民警卫队的制服进来了。Yann知道现在不可能逃走了。他看了看,确信客栈老板和妻子都很熟悉这些人。 The customers all shifted in their seats like a shoal of fish that know sharks are near. The man in charge, an officer of sorts, had a face that looked as if it had been chiseled from granite. His nose had a gobbet of snot hanging from it, which he wiped on his sleeve. He looked around the room, inspecting the customers. “I see before me, if my eyes don’t deceive me, which they don’t, men who should be doing their duty for France and the Motherland instead of sneaking off to England like the aristocratic rats they are. Your papers, vermin!” 顾客们都在座位上移动,就像鱼群一样,知道鲨鱼在附近。 那个负责人,是一名军官,脸就像是从花岗岩中凿出来的。鼻子上挂着一团鼻涕,他在袖子上擦了擦。环视了一下房间,打量着顾客。 “我看到我面前,如果我的眼睛没有欺骗我的话,你们应该为法国,我们的祖国履行职责,而不是像贵族老鼠那样溜到英国去。你们的文书,害虫们!” ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】