英文配音绘本《环游世界做苹果派How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World》

英文配音绘本《环游世界做苹果派How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World》

2017-02-22    07'42''

主播: 小P吧啦啦

406 10

作者:(法)玛尤莉·普莱斯曼著 出版社:河北教育出版社 绘本简介: 如果你想做苹果派,可是提供原料的超市有没有开门,怎么办。在这个故事里,作者生动风趣的带着想做苹果派的小女孩环游世界寻找原料:意大利的麦子、法国的母鸡、斯里兰卡的桂皮、英国的奶牛牙、牙买加的甘蔗还有美国的苹果!哈哈,不读这本书,还真不知道各国不同的优良物产呢。 How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World Summary Illus. in full color. An apple pie is easy to make...if the market is open. But if the market is closed, the world becomes your grocery store. This deliciously silly recipe for apple pie takes readers around the globe to gather ingredients. First hop a steamboat to Italy for the finest semolina wheat. Then hitch a ride to England and hijack a cow for the freshest possible milk. And, oh yes! Don't forget to go apple picking in Vermont! A simple recipe for apple pie is included. Author: Priceman, Marjorie Language: English | Copyright: 1996 | Lexile: AD590L