英文绘本配音故事《Harry the Dirty Dog不爱洗澡的狗狗》

英文绘本配音故事《Harry the Dirty Dog不爱洗澡的狗狗》

2017-02-25    05'50''

主播: 小P吧啦啦

143 6

又是一个和洗澡有关的故事,小P也在嘀咕,上次是不爱洗澡的狼(同名故事请在本电台收听),这次换成了狗狗。这本书虽然字数不多,lexile分级却定在了700,属于相当高的水平了,大概因为里面复合词比较多吧。 Harry the Dirty Dog Summary There&`&s never been another dog as delightful-or dirty-as Harry. This lovable white dog with black spots (or black dog with white spots) has charmed children for fifty years, and we are celebrating with an anniversary edition. This childhood favorite is perfect for reading aloud before going to bed or avoiding a bath. Author: Zion, Gene Language: English | Copyright: 2002 | Lexile Level: AD700L