chapter 56 邓超学英语+东西方人群的名牌意识

chapter 56 邓超学英语+东西方人群的名牌意识

2016-03-18    27'35''

主播: 卢老师说

2035 86

Chapter 55 邓超学英语+你真的了解名牌吗?节目文稿 一年之计在于春,你的英语水平有长进吗? 三月女人节,男神女神学英语都有福利哦! 【活动一】 三月女人节,只要你和伙伴一起分享Lori的任意三期节目到你的朋友圈或微博@卢相江同学,并加上#Lori教你说英语#和#Lori的节目真好听#之类的正能量文字,加微信截图给我,就可以获得节目粉丝惊喜礼包一份!! 【活动二】 帮你学口语,带你彪口语,带你学习带你飞!三月女神们学英语 两年暖心价格仅需266元/套(原价755元) 只要加入Lori的VIP口语俱乐部,你的口语就会好的不要不要的!! 报名微信 763278058 授课公众微信 Lori8221 新浪微博 @卢相江同学 Lori Warming up—— 邓超是怎样学英语的,你了解吗? 邓超说过的英语: I is back. White head shoe old,morning birth expensive son. Right you say… I have this age can’t bear the handsome! If u meet Dengchao on the road,u will ___,u will ___,u will____ What are u 弄啥嘞? “我有一个坠母” Lori Speaking——在Lori VIP口语课程中, 保证你学了之后不用再上任何培训班!  “名牌”英语怎么说? Name brands: 名牌, 有名,但不一定贵 Luxury brands: 名牌、奢侈品 Designer label: 设计师品牌,大牌 (Chanel, Gucci, Prada这些一线品牌都算designer label) “爱买名牌”英语怎么说? Someone is very into/obsessed with luxury brandsSomeone is very label-conscious. Label就是品牌的意思,label-consicous就是很注重品牌、喜欢大牌的东西 中国人存钱买名牌 vs 美国有钱人才买名牌 The pursuit of luxury: 对奢侈品的追求 Many Chinese see luxury brands as something aspirational: 很多中国人追名牌,因为把名牌看做一种地位、身份的象征 Some would save in order to buy a luxury product: 很多人会存钱买名牌 While in the US, not as many do. Most people who buy luxury brands are wealthy: 而美国人不太一样,不太会存钱买名牌。通常奢侈品的消费者本身就是有钱人Living from pay check to pay check: 月光族 中国年轻人爱买名牌 vs 美国中老年买名牌Many Chinese start buying luxury goods at a young age: 很多中国人很年轻就开始买名牌 Luxury product consumers are much older in America since they earn higher incomes: 但美国人通常年纪比较大才买名牌,因为有足够收入支撑 Baby boomers are a key luxury segment in America as they have more disposable income: 比如,美国婴儿潮一代(50-60岁)是奢侈品消费主力人群,因为他们可支配收入比较高美国人不只买个名牌包,要买就要全身协调 When you see an American carrying a $5000 handbag, they are often wearing a pair of $1000 shoes: 通常,用很贵牌子包包的美国人也会穿很贵的鞋子 It's a complete look from head to toe: 是从头到脚完整一身的名牌打扮 You don't really see someone carrying an expensive bag but wearing cheap clothes and shoes: 不太看到背很贵的包,但穿便宜衣服和鞋的人 Most middle-class Americans don't think about buying luxury goods: 大部分美国中产阶级觉得自己和奢侈品没什么关系,不会特别去追