【长相英语怎么说?】Say looks. Well, I know it’s looks.But what is looks?

【长相英语怎么说?】Say looks. Well, I know it’s looks.But what is looks?

2015-03-09    04'48''

主播: 忐忑英语口语

301 62

英语思维训练 We should not learn and remember English in Chinese alone. We must learn and remember English in English. That’s more important. Or in other words, we should not learn and remember the meanings of English words in Chinese, we must try to learn and remember their meanings in English. That’s the way should be. 英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样?我们耗费在用中文学英语,用中文记英语的时间和精力太多太昂贵了。以同样的时间精力换取更大的收获,是到了该换个学法的时候了。拜托,以后不要老是想中文或是只能说中文了! 【长相英语怎么说?】Say looks. Well, I know it’s looks.But what is looks? 订阅微信公众号:TenTenEnglish(优化英语口语控),输入“长相”可以查阅单词优化的文本哟。