【超级口语十分钟|helping others 帮助他人】

【超级口语十分钟|helping others 帮助他人】

2018-11-26    08'14''

主播: 超级学长

192 0

问题:Do you think people are less willing to help others these days, compared to the past? No, not really, I think these days people are actually more willing to help others compared to the past. I mean, yeah, you would occasionally hear about people getting framed when they were trying to help somebody, but from an overall perspective, people nowadays give help to others all the time. Like, people would give seats to those in need on the public transports, and when you need to ask for direction, you can simply ask any random person in the street, and that person would most likely help you with it. I think this willingness to help others is largely due to the fact that our education system have become more advanced in the past few decades, and not only do teachers teach students book knowledge, but they also teach children good characters and morals, like helping others and being polite and stuff. Obviously it’s a great phenomenon, and I hope we keep it this way in the future as well. 重点讲解: Frame 陷害、讹诈 From an overall perspective 从一个总的角度来看 Those in need 需要帮助的人 Ask for direction 问路 Any random person 随便一个人 In the street 街上的(和on the street有区别!) Book knowledge 书本上的知识 And stuff 等等 【超级口语十分钟】由超级学长上海校区的Lije老师倾情呈现!每周二、四、六上线,关注超级学长,及时获取更新哦! 作为英语母语的使用者,Lije老师用地道的发音和精炼的内容,带你探讨高频口语话题!