【超级口语十分钟|Entertainment 游戏娱乐】

【超级口语十分钟|Entertainment 游戏娱乐】

2018-12-07    07'58''

主播: 超级学长

166 0

问题: Do you think entertainment methods will be home-based in the future? Yes, if we look at the historical trend, it is very evident that entertainment methods have already shifted toward being home-based in the past few decades. I remember that about twenty years ago, if you wanted to play video games, you had to go to the arcade. If you wanted to watch a movie, you must go to the cinema. All of that have changed with the revolutionary advancement of the electronic devices, and now you can get access to almost anything on the computer or on your cell phone. I think this trend will continue in the future. As people’s time become more and more precious, they will be less and less willing to step out of their home for anything. 高分表达: Evident 很显然 Shift toward 转变成,改变 A few decades 几十年 Arcade 游戏厅 Revolutionary advancement 革命性的进步 Get access to 获得,被允许进入、使用 Precious 珍贵的 Step out of (somewhere) 从某个地方出来 那么这就是我们今天所有的内容,今天我们主要讲了一下关于娱乐方式的一些改变。 【超级口语十分钟】由超级学长上海校区的Lije老师倾情呈现!每周二、四、六上线,关注超级学长,及时获取更新哦! 作为英语母语的使用者,Lije老师用地道的发音和精炼的内容,带你探讨高频口语话题!