【超级口语十分钟|Babysitting 照顾小孩】

【超级口语十分钟|Babysitting 照顾小孩】

2019-01-16    07'18''

主播: 超级学长

138 0

问题:What are the drawbacks if children are looked after by their grandparents? I think the biggest drawback is that grandparents usually have a tendency of spoiling the children, and this tendency is especially evident in China. I think the root cause for this phenomenon is that the people from the older generation have lived such an impoverished life that they don’t want their grandchildren to suffer the same fate anymore, so they try to give their grandchildren everything they can afford. Obviously, the result of this is that the children would be more and more self-centered, and they would rarely consider the needs or feelings of other people. Sadly enough though, parents in China these days are just so busy with their work that they don’t have any time at all to take care of their children by themselves, so they have no choice but to toss their children into the care of the grandparents. 重点词汇: drawback n. 坏处,缺点 (替换disadvantage, bad thing) spoil v. 宠溺,宠坏 (家庭教育类话题的必备词汇) root cause n. 根本原因 (替换reason,比cause更加强烈) impoverished adj. 贫困的 (替换poor,注意词根来自于poverty) suffer v. 遭受痛苦,遭受 (既可及物也可不及物) self-centered adj. 以自我为中心的 (和selfish的意思大概相同) toss v. 扔,甩 (替换throw,既可表实际动作也可以表示甩锅) 高分表达: Sadly enough though, 但可悲的是, (句子开头,表示悲观的转折) 那么这就是我们今天所有的内容,今天讲的Part3问题是,让祖父母一辈的人照顾小孩有什么缺点。 关注超级学长,获取实时留学咨询!