【超级口语十分钟|Child growth 孩子成长】

【超级口语十分钟|Child growth 孩子成长】

2019-06-25    01'10''

主播: 超级学长

405 1

问题:At what age do kids start to have their own thoughts and opinions? 高分回答: I would guess that kids start to have their own thoughts at the age of twelve or so, which is the time when they enter adolescence and experience a dramatic change in both their physiology and their behaviors. According to some parenting articles that I’ve read, kids at this stage are confused by their bodily changes and their emotions will usually become unstable as a result. And the most immediate response will be their estrangement from their parents. Most of the time, kids just isolatethemselves in their own little worlds, or they form little groups and circles with their peers. And obviously, this is when they pretty much stop listening to their parents and start to have their own ideas. And I gotta say, this is the stage where parents have to handle their kids really carefully. 语料积累 重点词汇 adolescence  n. 青春期 dramatic  adj. 戏剧性的、突然的 physiology  n. 生理功能 parenting  n. 育儿、养育 unstable  adj. 不稳定的 estrangement  n. 疏远 isolate  v. 孤立 高分表达 stop doing sth 停止做某件事 关注超级学长,更多口语音频等你来听!