【超级口语十分钟|Give people advice 给人建议】

【超级口语十分钟|Give people advice 给人建议】

2019-07-02    01'06''

主播: 超级学长

275 4

问题:What skills do you need when you give people advice? 高分回答: I think the main thing you need is the ability of putting yourself in other people’s shoes and really think aboutthe matter at hand on their behalf, from theirperspective, because even though we can all talk bigand say the smartest things in the world, whatever worked for us might not necessarily work for them, since the circumstances are different. So like, let’s say if you are giving advice to a really poor kid on whether or not he should go abroad for university study, you can’t just simply tell him that he should go because you went and you thought it was really helpful. So that’s why you really have to be a good listener and hear other people talk first before you give your own advice. 语料积累 重点词汇 behalf  n. 立场、利益角度 perspective  n. 态度、观点 work  v. 起作用(一词多义) circumstance  n. 情况 高分表达 put sb. in sb.’s shoes 站在某人的立场 the matter at hand 正在被做/讨论的事 talk big 说大话 not necessarily 不一定 let’s say 我们假设(举例用) be a good listener 做一个好的倾听者 关注超级学长,更多雅思口语音频等你来听!