

2019-01-08    02'02''

主播: 踏歌天涯

275 2

100白云谦逊地站在天之一隅。晨光给它戴上霞彩。The cloud stood humbly in a corner of the sky. The morning crowned it with splendour. 101尘土受到损辱,却以她的花朵来报答。The dust receives insult and in return offers her flowers. 102只管走过去,不必逗留着采了花朵来保存,因为一路上花朵自会继续开放的。Do not linger to gather flowers to keep them, but walk on, for flowers will keep themselves blooming all your way. 103根是地下的枝。枝是空中的根。Roots are the branches down in the earth. Branches are roots in the air. 104远远去了的夏之音乐,翱翔于秋间,寻求它的旧垒。The music of the far-away summer flutters around the Autumn seeking its former nest. 105不要从你自己的袋里掏出勋绩借给你的朋友,这是污辱他的。Do not insult your friend by lending him merits from your own pocket.