chapter 1 page 2 卖艺穷住在伦敦

chapter 1 page 2 卖艺穷住在伦敦

2018-11-23    02'59''

主播: JENNY小简妮

209 1

chapter 1 page 2 There had been a hint of frost in the air that night, which was why I’d arrived back at my new, sheltered accommodation in Tottenham, north London, a little earlier than usual after a day busking around Covent Garden As normal, I had my black guitar case and rucksack slung over my shoulders but this evening I also had my closest friend, Belle, with me. We’d gone out together years ago but we were just mates now. We are going to eat a cheap takeaway curry and watch a movie on the small black and white television set I’d managed to find in a charity shop around the corner. As usual, the lift in the apartment block wasn’t working so we headed for the first flight of stairs, resigned to making the long trudge to the fifth floor. The strip lighting in the hallway was broken and part of the ground floor was swathed in darkness, but as we made our way to the stairwell, I couldn’t help noticing a pair of glowing eyes in the gloom. When I heard a gentle, slightly plaintive meowing I realized what it was. Edging closer, in the half-light I could see a ginger cat curled up on a doormat outside one of the ground-floor flats in the corridor that led off the hallway. I’d grown up with cats and had always had a bit of a soft spot for them. As I moved in and got a good look, I could tell he was a tom, a male. I hadn’t seen him around the flats before, but even in the darkness I could tell there was something about him, I could already tell that he had something of a personality. He wasn’t in the slightest bit nervous, (page 2) 短语应用: a hint of:一丝…一点点 A hint of anger , a hint of mint sheltered accommodation:为病弱者提供食宿的公寓 busking around:街头卖艺 I had my black guitar case and rucksack slung over my shoulders:我把黑色的吉他包和帆布包挂在肩上 television set:电视机 the first flight of stairs:个人翻译成---楼梯间的位置,见后面小贴士 resigned to making the long trudge 顺从的准备爬楼梯了 strip lighting 条状灯 就是灯管 part of the ground floor was swathed in darkness:一楼有一部分被一条条的黑暗笼罩 stairwell:a shaft in a building in which a staircase is built. 个人翻译成---楼梯间的位置,见后面小贴士 plaintive meowing: 悲伤的猫叫 Edging closer 沿边缘靠近 a soft spot 对…心软 stair小贴士: A stairway, staircase, stairwell, flight of stairs, or simply stairs is a construction designed to bridge a large vertical distance by dividing it into smaller vertical distances, called steps. Stairs may be straight, round, or may consist of two or more straight pieces connected at angles. Wikipedia 如果你也觉得读书有趣,觉得我是一个有趣的人 WEI芯搜(pandj233)大家一起学学习唠唠嗑