晨练 第03周第01天

晨练 第03周第01天

2015-03-22    03'03''

主播: 布莱恩教育

2244 453

脱口而出 1. They couldn’t be more wrong. 他们大错特错了。 2. Don’t peek. 别偷看。 3. If you’ve got a moment, I’d like a word before you leave tonight. 在你今晚离开前,我想和你谈谈。 4. Tell them I’ll get back to them. 告诉他们我等会儿和他们联络。 5. I’m quite busy with important stuff to deal with. 我有好多事要忙。 6. When in Rome, do as many Romans as you can. 入乡随俗。 7. You look down your nose at absolutely everyone. 你目中无人。